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6 <br /> 1 Commissioner Burroughs said she has worked for non-profits for years, and she said <br /> 2 there are foundations that only pay for services. She said she feels this is also all that the <br /> 3 County should fund. She said non-profits are set up to meet needs, and many times needs <br /> 4 change. She said she is not interested in giving outside agencies capital funding. <br /> 5 Commissioner Pelissier agreed with Commissioner Burroughs. She said she asked the <br /> 6 Board to discuss this item because, during the budget season, there was a non—profit that met <br /> 7 with every elected official individually for capital funding. She said she did not like these one on <br /> 8 one discussions, but felt the Board should discuss openly. She said offering funding for capital <br /> 9 needs would open too many floodgates, and governing bodies do help with operational funds for <br /> 10 many of the non-profits in their area. <br /> 11 Commissioner Jacobs said he is not as averse to doing a capital project if the County is <br /> 12 paid back in a fairly short time. He said he would be willing to consider this on a case-by-case <br /> 13 basis. <br /> 14 Bonnie Hammersley said staff has been looking for information on OE, and in FY 1998- <br /> 15 99 there was a line item for contributions to capital campaigns, such as the Red Cross. She <br /> 16 said OE was a different project. <br /> 17 Commissioner Pelissier said there should be a policy instead of ad hoc decisions. She <br /> 18 said many agencies would request funding, if offered. <br /> 19 Chair McKee said he had the same concern, and his preference is to have a policy that <br /> 20 the County does not fund capital projects for outside agencies. <br /> 21 Commissioner Price agreed that there should be some kind of policy. <br /> 22 Commissioner Burroughs said she talked with Margaret Samuels at OE, and that her <br /> 23 recollection was that OE had been a part of Orange County government years ago, and was <br /> 24 spun off. <br /> 25 Commissioner Jacobs said sometimes there are exceptions to the rules. <br /> 26 Chair McKee said policies can be changed or amended. <br /> 27 Commissioner Rich asked if the County has ever had any policies that included <br /> 28 exceptions. <br /> 29 Bonnie Hammersley said not currently, but this is certainly possible. <br /> 30 Commissioner Rich said OE and PFAP seem to be existing exceptions. <br /> 31 Commissioner Jacobs said the definition of an exemption could be when a non-profit <br /> 32 starts as a part of Orange County government, and then spins off. <br /> 33 Chair McKee said the Board does not vote at work sessions, but he hears a consensus <br /> 34 to bring this back as a proposed policy. <br /> 35 Commissioner Rich asked if staff could do some benchmarking research with other <br /> 36 governing bodies. <br /> 37 Bonnie Hammersley said staff would draft a policy of what is funded, with exceptions <br /> 38 noted. <br /> 39 Chair McKee said the discussion can now turn to the slide funding formulas. He asked if <br /> 40 there is a Board preference on how to look at funding. <br /> 41 Commissioner Rich asked if the current policy is 1%. <br /> 42 Bonnie Hammersley said that is only the practice, not the policy. <br /> 43 Bonnie Hammersley said this year funding was tied to Board goals, and the funding <br /> 44 coincidentally ended at around 1%. She reviewed the various funding scale options available to <br /> 45 the Board. <br /> 46 Chair McKee said the simplest option is to stay with a percentage of the budget, with the <br /> 47 option to find additional funds elsewhere in the budget. <br /> 48 Commissioner Rich said the Board had discussed wanting to increase funding to non- <br /> 49 profits during the budget process, and asked if this would fit into a 1% model. <br /> 50 Chair McKee said each year that he has been on the Board, monies have been given to <br /> 51 non-profits from the excess fund balance. <br />