Agenda - 12-13-2016 - 6-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-13-2016 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 12-13-2016 - 6-a - Minutes
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Last modified
12/8/2016 3:32:49 PM
Creation date
12/9/2016 8:11:36 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 12-13-2016
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2 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 a. Matters not on the agenda <br /> 3 Indira Everett, said she is from Duke Energy, where she is the District Manager of <br /> 4 Government & Community Relations for Chatham, Durham, Lee and Orange Counties. She <br /> 5 said she wanted to visit each of the local governments to introduce herself formally and to thank <br /> 6 the Board for their service. She said Hurricane Matthew was a challenge, and she distributed <br /> 7 two handouts to the Board in reference to emergency preparation and information about the <br /> 8 process of power restoration after a weather emergency. <br /> 9 Lisa Fischbect, Episcopal Priest with the Episcopal Church of the Advocate in Chapel <br /> 10 Hill, said she is here representing Peewee Homes Collaborative, which is a collaborative effort <br /> 11 to provide affordable housing. She said this group is transcending usual work and cooperation <br /> 12 lines, by bringing together a church, the Town of Chapel Hill, non-profits, architects, a <br /> 13 carpenter, and contractors to find affordable housing for people who are at 30% of the average <br /> 14 median income in the County. She said the success of this project will be based not only on the <br /> 15 collaborations that form, but also the replication of this project elsewhere. She said the church <br /> 16 where she serves has 15 acres of land, which it intends to use to house three of these tiny <br /> 17 homes as the first project for this collaborative. <br /> 18 Sarah Howell, Architect, provided the Board with the preliminary designs for the <br /> 19 prototypes for the tiny homes in the Peewee homes project. She said the homes range in size <br /> 20 from 250-320 square feet. She said these homes are targeted to house one individual who <br /> 21 may be elderly, or on a fixed income. She said there are both handicap accessible and <br /> 22 standard floor plan options. She said the first three houses will be built on the Church of the <br /> 23 Advocate land, and should be built for$41,500 for the larger prototype, and $31,500 for the <br /> 24 smaller. She said these will be permanent structures. She said that the Town of Chapel Hill <br /> 25 has given a grant of$70,000 to this project. <br /> 26 Commissioner Price asked if these homes would be for sale or rent. <br /> 27 Sarah Howell said the homes would be for rent, for 30% of the individual's income, and <br /> 28 15% of the rental income will go into a savings account for the renter. <br /> 29 Commissioner Jacobs asked if this information is simply a presentation, or is this <br /> 30 organization asking for funding. <br /> 31 Lisa Fischbect said the process to apply for funding is not yet known, but there was a <br /> 32 desire to make the Board aware of the project. She said any advice or guidance would be <br /> 33 welcomed. <br /> 34 Commissioner Jacobs said the Board would refer this to the County Manager. <br /> 35 Chair McKee said when housing is discussed later on the agenda, there will be an <br /> 36 opportunity to speak <br /> 37 Commissioner Dorosin said funds were received from Chapel Hill, and asked if there are <br /> 38 any other income sources. <br /> 39 Lisa Fischbect said approximately $150,000 is needed, and multiple grants are being <br /> 40 pursued. She said County funds would be wonderful. <br /> 41 Commissioner Dorosin said he appreciated this idea and especially likes the use of <br /> 42 church land. <br /> 43 Commissioner Rich advised the Collaborative to have discussions with the Town of <br /> 44 Chapel Hill about waiving permit fees. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> 47 (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda <br /> 48 below.) <br /> 49 <br /> 50 3. Announcements and Petitions by Board Members <br />
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