Agenda - 12-13-2016 - 5-a - Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Amendments – Hillsborough Economic Development District
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-13-2016 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 12-13-2016 - 5-a - Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Amendments – Hillsborough Economic Development District
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12/9/2016 8:37:21 AM
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12/9/2016 8:11:35 AM
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Minutes 12-13-2016
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ORD-2016-029 Ordinance Amending OC Unified Development Ordinance
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Article 3: Base Zoning Districts 18 <br /> Section 3.7: Economic Development Districts <br /> MPD-CZ District is approved (see Section 3.8). Additionally, non-residential uses are restricted based on the <br /> Watershed Protection Overlay District in which the property is located. Refer to Section 4.2.3 for land use <br /> restrictions. Uses Permitted by Right require the approval of a Site Plan as outlined in Section 2.5. <br /> 2. Development projects unable to meet all Standards required for Site Plan approval may be submitted as a <br /> Conditional Use District or as a MPD-CZ(see Section 3.8). <br /> 3. The impervious surface limit in this district is 50%. Other requirements for impervious surface are located in <br /> Sections 4.2.5 and 4.2.6. <br /> 4. For lots outside of a Watershed Protection Overlay District(see Section 4.2), the minimum usable lot area for lots <br /> that utilize ground absorption wastewater systems shall be 30,000 square feet for parcels between 40,000 square <br /> feet and 1.99 acres in size; zoning lots two acres and greater in size shall have a minimum usable lot area of at <br /> least 40,000 square feet. <br /> 5. Development within the zoning district shall be subject to all applicable use standards detailed in Article 5 and all <br /> applicable development standards detailed in Article 6 of this Ordinance. See Sections 6.2.5 and 6.2.6 if more than <br /> one principal use or principal structure is proposed on a non-residential zoning lot. <br /> 6. Residential uses are not permitted in this district. <br /> 7. A structure or structures exceeding 20,000 square feet cumulatively on one zoning lot shall only be approved <br /> through a Special Use Permit, Class A process regardless of use. <br /> 8. All zoning lots greater than 2.0 acres shall only bc approved through a Spccial Use Permit, CI=A proccs& <br /> regardless of use.3 <br /> 9. Any nonresidential use within two hundred feet of a residential subdivision a lot smaller than 2 acres in size with an <br /> existing dwelling unit shall require a Special Use Permit, Class A.4 <br /> 10. Direct driveway access to an arterial or major collector shall be prohibited. A frontage or service road shall bc <br /> dedicated and constructed to provide access along all arterials or major collectors. Direct driveway access to an <br /> arterial or major collector shall be limited to shared driveways, limited access streets, or marginal access streets <br /> except where such a driveway and/or street would a)cross a stream and require a no-rise certification from the NC <br /> Department of Public Safety National Flood Insurance Program of, b)be located on a slope greater than 15%, or c) <br /> disturb natural areas as identified in the Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitats of Orange County, NC.5 <br /> No drive through facilities may be constructed in this district.6 <br /> A justification for any deviation to development standards must state a public benefit or purpose. <br /> 13. All parcels shall provide for interconnectivity between parking areas if determined necessary by Planning staff. <br /> 14. Subdivisions proposing private roads are subject to larger setbacks and minimum lot sizes than those listed in the <br /> Dimensional and Ratio Standards. Refer to Section 7.8.4 for additional requirements. Refer to Section 7.8.5 for <br /> private road standards. <br /> 15. Proposed subdivisions shall follow the procedures outlined in Section 2.16. <br /> 16. See Section 5.3.2(C)for standards for uses requiring a Class A Special Use Permit. <br /> s In order to promote economic development opportunities, Staff is suggesting deletion of standards 7 and 8 which <br /> require a Class A Special Use Permit for projects above a certain size. Staff notes that standard#9 is suggested to <br /> remain in place;this standard requires a Class A Special Use Permit for any nonresidential use located within 200- <br /> feet of an existing residential use on a smaller lot size. Typically,SUPs are used to require that a specific type of <br /> use(e.g., utility substations or wireless communication towers) be required to prove, in a quasi-judicial setting, <br /> that the use will meet the standards found in Section 5.3.2 of the UDO. It is unusual to require any use that <br /> reaches a certain size or that is located on a lot smaller or larger than a certain size be required to obtain a SUP. It <br /> should be noted the deletion of standards 7 and 8 will cause the automatic renumbering of the remainder of the <br /> list below 8(e.g., existing#9 will become#7 if 7 and 8 are deleted,and so on). <br /> 4 The Attorney's office has advised that the term "residential subdivision" is vague and should be revised to a more <br /> definitive standard, particularly since the idea in#9 is proposed to be applied to EDH-3. The lot size suggested (2 <br /> acres or smaller) is being suggested because the vast majority of existing residential uses near EDH zoning <br /> boundaries are located on lots smaller than 2 acres in size. It should also be noted that Section 6.8.12(C) requires <br /> additional landscaped buffers at the perimeter of the EDDs and adjacent to interstates and certain roadways. <br /> 5 Staff is suggesting revised language because existing language provides no by-right flexibility to the requirement <br /> for frontage(or backage) roads in cases where site features might warrant flexibility in the requirement. The <br /> terms limited access street and marginal access street are existing terms and definitions in the UDO. Additionally, <br /> staff will bring an Amendment Outline Form to the BOCC after the summer break to receive authorization to <br /> develop an Access Management Plan for Hillsborough EDD. Section 2.5.3(V)of the UDO requires that site plan be <br /> in compliance with adopted access management plans; having an adopted access management plan will allow staff <br /> to require that parcels reserve access easements for future connectivity. <br /> 6 Deletion of this standard will cause the automatic renumbering of standards currently below it. <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 3-55 <br />
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