Orange County NC Website
<br />Estimating the extent to which the expected initial 12-15 transfer truck roundtrips per day <br />will be increased over time is difficult. Based on our past experience, waste volumes <br />have stayed level over the past 4-5 years based in part on waste reduction and recycling <br />successes. Given that additional waste reduction success is likely, we anticipate that <br />volumes will rise very slowly over the next few years. <br />Additional Alternatives: <br />Speeding - coordination of the control of speeding could also include the Solid Waste <br />Management Department jointly funding additional enforcement personnel. Solid Waste <br />Management staff is presently evaluating on-board GPS tracking and truck operation data <br />interface systems that can track location, speed, etc. of the collection vehicle: <br />If local governments, as a result of an ongoing solid waste management planning process, <br />assumed some increased level of control (through franchising, direct provision of <br />services, etc:) of all private collection operations, an absolute prohibition of travel on <br />Rogers Road could be implemented. Staff will raise this issue with the Solid Waste <br />Planning Work Group at a future meeting. <br />Litter Control <br />Communit~Questions/Concerns: <br />• trucks pulling over down the road and putting tarp on just before entering transfer <br />station <br />• who will monitor uncovered trucks <br />• will sheriff or state patrol be responsible for uncovered trucks <br />• litter from uncovered trucks <br />® what is law on covering hauled Loads <br />County Response: The County will examine opportunities for increased <br />enforcement of load covering, littering as well as speeding. Included in discussions with <br />the Sheriff s Department is identifying options for dealing with trucks tarping loads on <br />the side of the, or enhance if necessary, roadway litter pickup schedules. <br />Additional Alternatives: The Solid Waste Management Department will <br />coordinate with the Public Works Department regarding load covering policies in effect <br />at the SWCC. The County may also evaluate additional enforcement responsibilities for <br />the Solid Waste Management Department enforcement staff. <br />Odor Control <br />Community Questions/Concerns: <br />• odor bad for your health <br />• neighbors don't deserve the odor. <br />• pungent odor out there is awful <br />• how long will the landfill smell after it closes <br />4 <br />