Orange County NC Website
4 <br />NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />HILLSBOROUGH TOWN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (Item A.1) <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br />A joint public hearing will be held in the Judge F. Gordon Battle Superior Courtroom of the <br />New Orange County Courthouse, 106 E. Margaret Lane, Hillsborough, North Carolina, on <br />Monday, May 21, 2007, at 7:30 PM for the purpose of giving all interested citizens an <br />opportunity to speak for or against the following items: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS <br />1. US 70/Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic Plan: A task force of Orange <br />County economic development and community leaders, Orange County and <br />Hillsborough Town Board Commissioners, and business owners and residents <br />have worked for the past year to develop a strategic plan for the section of <br />Cornelius Street between North Churton Street (NC 86) and Holiday Park <br />Road/Lakeshore Drive. The Task Force was charged with exploring ways to <br />enhance and improve the character of the corridor focusing on land uses, <br />transportation, crime and code enforcement, and site plan and design issues. <br />The corridor is in Hillsborough's planning jurisdiction, but implementation of plan <br />recommendations will require the cooperation of both local governments. <br />Additionally, the corridor is part of the larger area being addressed in the jointly <br />funded Hillsborough-Orange County Strategic Growth Plan. <br />Purpose:. To present findings and recommendations contained in the plan, <br />receive citizen comment, and request direction from the Board of County <br />Commissioners and Hillsborough Town Board of Commissioners. <br />Note: The Hillsborough Town Board of Commissioners will join the County <br />Commissioners and Planning Board for presentation of this item. <br />2. NC Highway 57 Speedway Area Small Area Plan: A 12-member task force of <br />residential and commercial property owners, at-large county residents, Durham <br />and Person County representatives, and two Orange County Commissioners have <br />spent the past 10 months addressing planning issues fora 900+ acre area in the <br />northeast corner of Orange County. A key issue addressed by the Task Force has <br />been non-conforming, non-residential land uses and the effect on existing and <br />future land use in the area. Additional issues included traffic and access <br />management, water quality and quantity, noise and noxious odors, and an <br />appropriate level of residential and non-residential development. Traditional <br />rezoning and special use permit processes were not felt to afford the community <br />sufficient protection and assurances of maintaining a rural life style and character. <br />The Task Force is suggesting that a Rural Economic Development Area (REDA) <br />be created to facilitate a process to bring non-conforming activities into <br />compliance. <br />