Orange County NC Website
12 <br />EM FORM 66A (Rev. 03/07) <br />^ Review, promote, and facilitate mutual aid agreements; <br />• Attend training on utilizing Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program <br />(HSEEP) and conduct exercises in compliance with HSEEP standards; <br />^ Report all training and exercises conducted utilizing federal preparedness funds to <br />the Division Training & Exercise Branch <br />2007.6 Identify from available resources a dedicated WebEOC operator; training to be provided <br />by NCEM. Recommendation would be from 24 hour Communication Center. <br />2007.7 Update your County Mutual Aid Agreement to include signed additional local <br />governments or as necessary updated your current County Mutual Aid Agreement and <br />send in the new or updated agreement by September 30, 2007; <br />2007.8 At a minimum verify at least one person from each funded jurisdiction attend <br />the Spring All Hazards Conference. Attendance of all local EM staff at both the <br />Spring and Fall conferences is encouraged, but not required; <br />2007.9 Each funded jurisdiction conduct an annual Training Exercise Planning Workshop <br />(TEPW) sponsored by NCEM to determine the types of training needed to further <br />develop and maintain a quality Emergency Management Program in that jurisdiction <br />by September 30, 2007; <br />2007.10 Each funded jurisdiction plan for and participate in a minimum of two all hazards <br />exercises. Exercises should include multiple local and/or state agencies, and may <br />take the form of a table-top, functional or full scale activity. Exercise activity should <br />be coordinated with your appropriate Branch Office; and the Division's Training and <br />Exercise Branch, including dates, number personnel trained, scenario utilized, and <br />planning meetings conducted. This information is required by the DHS National <br />Exercise Scheduler (NEXS) system; <br />2007.11 During this fiscal year each funded jurisdiction test the satellite telephone by <br />contacting your appropriate NC Division of Emergency Management's Branch Office <br />the first and last Fridays of each month; <br />2007.12 During this fiscal year funded jurisdictions should continue the formation and support <br />of a t_ocal Emergency Planning Committee (~EPC). The LEPC should be County or <br />Regional; <br />2007.13 Each funded jurisdiction sends in EM-43 Emergency Event Forms to advise the <br />Division's Communication Officer of events such as, Hazardous Material Spills, <br />Property Damage, Injuries and / or Deaths, Relocation of a minimum of 10 <br />Residents, Opening of Shelter(s), and Terrorism related activities; (Reporting will be <br />done on WebEOC by June 1St); <br />2007.14 Each funded jurisdiction develops a written plan for the implementation and <br />operation of a county receiving and distribution point (CRDP) and develops written <br />plan for distribution of resources from the CRDP to the county. County must provide <br />copy of plans to the NCEM Logistics Chief; <br />2007.15 Each funded jurisdiction develops a written summary of shelter plans to include <br />housing general populations of evacuatees, and special populations of evacuees, <br />(special populations would include residents of hospitals, nursing homes, assisted <br />living facilities, and home health patients) and pet sheltering. <br />12 <br />