Orange County NC Website
11 <br />EM FORM 66A (Rev. 03/07) <br />FEDERAL/STATE/LOGAL FY 2007 EMPG AGREEMENT <br />AGENCY: <br />This is to certify that the above named agency agrees to successfully complete the activities <br />below in full partnership with the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management and the <br />Department of Homeland Security..The appropriate Branch Manager and/or Area <br />Coordinator will review the progress of this agreement quarterly with the local Emergency <br />Management Coordinator. This report will also be the basis for continued funding during this <br />fiscal year. <br />Please list in priority the Emergency Management activities you will complete or have <br />completed this federal fiscal year ending September 30, 2007. You are required to certify <br />completion of the following activities: <br />2007.1 Update the NIMCAST baseline conducted in 2005 online by September 30, 2007; <br />2007.2 EM personnel complete the NIMS Awareness Course: National Incident <br />Management System (NIMS), An Introduction (IS-700) by September 30, 2007; <br />2007.3 EM personnel complete the (IS-800) The National Response Plan (NRP) Course by <br />September 30, 2007; <br />2007.4 EM personnel complete the (ICS-100) An Introduction to ICS (online) and (ICS-200) <br />Basic ICS Course (classroom), ICS-300 for everyone and ICS-400 for those in senior <br />management positions by September 30, 2007; <br />2007.5 Each county by September 30, 2007 should complete the following: <br />^ Adopt NIMS at the community level for all government departments and agencies; <br />as well as promote and encourage NIMS adoption by associations, utilities, non- <br />, governmental organizations (NGOs), and private sector incident management and <br />response organizations; <br />^ Update and incorporate NIMS into Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) and <br />provided an electronic CD copy of your county EOP to the NCEM I&P Planning <br />Support Branch Manager and your Branch offices; <br />^ Revise and update plans and SOPs to incorporate NIMS components, principles and <br />policies, to include planning, training, response, exercises, equipment, evaluation, <br />and, corrective actions; <br />^ Provide letter from county manager certifying that tasks identified in the NIMS 2007 <br />Local Matrix have been completed. Matrix to be provided by separate <br />correspondence. Local Matrix provided as FY2007 NIMS Compliance Matrix <br />Local/Tribal at .met local.pdf. <br />^ Incorporate NIMS into existing training programs and exercises; <br />^ Manage all emergency incidents and preplanned (recurring/special) events in <br />accordance with ICS organizational structures, doctrine, and procedures, as defined <br />in NIMS; <br />^ Incorporate corrective actions from after action reviews infio preparedness and <br />response plans and procedures; <br />^ Inventory community response assets to conform to homeland security resource <br />typing standards; <br />11 <br />