Orange County NC Website
23 <br /> Chair McKee said access would require an agreement with Chapel Hill and Carrboro, <br /> and asked if a dedicated easement for future access could come off of Lizzie Lane. <br /> John Roberts said there may be an existing easement to use. <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> RESOLUTION <br /> To Designate and Create the "Headwaters Nature Preserve" <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County owns 60 acres of land south of Eubanks Road, west of Purefoy <br /> Drive, north of Homestead Road and west of the North Carolina Railroad on the north side of <br /> Chapel Hill; and <br /> WHEREAS, the location of this property makes it conducive for public open space and low <br /> impact recreation — including trails, picnic tables and wildlife viewing areas — for the <br /> surrounding neighborhoods and the Rogers-Eubanks community; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners of March, 2000 — citing the <br /> natural resources present on site - expressed an intention to keep this 60 acres of land <br /> undisturbed; and <br /> WHEREAS, a 2002 master plan for the adjoining 104-acre Greene Tract reflected open space <br /> as an important and contiguous future land use, and recent planning efforts for the Greene <br /> Tract continue to show open space and low-impact recreation as a recommended part of the <br /> mix of future uses; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners adopted an FY 2016-17 <br /> budget that included funds to reimburse the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund for this property; and <br /> WHEREAS, on September 8, 2016 the Board expressed a desire to move forward with <br /> designation of the 60-acre suite for open space and low-impact recreation. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: <br /> That the Orange County Board of County Commissioners hereby designates this 60-acre <br /> property as the "Headwater Nature Preserve' and take the following actions: <br /> 1. That this 60-acre property be assigned for use as publicly-accessible open space and <br /> low-impact recreation, with such usage to begin as soon as practical. <br /> 2. That this land be enrolled in the County's Lands Legacy Program, to be protected and <br /> conserved for this designated purposes. <br /> 3. That the County Manager and staff be directed to develop a plan for implementation. <br /> This, the 18th Day of October 2016. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Rich to <br /> approve the resolution, with changes and revisions as needed and authorized the Chair to <br /> sign. And direct staff to make this parcel accessible as soon as possible. <br />