Orange County NC Website
21 <br /> Chair McKee said the Board must consider what does not get built, and how the <br /> Board's decisions are directing what does get built. He said no one has mentioned that <br /> anything that is built will provide new property taxes, some of which may be significant. He <br /> said he is adamantly against starting below the breakeven point. <br /> Chair McKee said this whole topic does not have to be this complicated, and the <br /> discussion tonight suggested ways to make it even more complicated. He said there are 98 <br /> other counties in North Carolina that build schools without impact fees. <br /> Chair McKee said he heard a lot of conversation tonight that was not centered on <br /> schools, but rather how to direct development. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6; Nays, 1 (Chair McKee) <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to <br /> direct staff to come back with a policy for reimbursement of the impact fees for non-profits <br /> organizations. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Orange County ABC Board Travel Policy <br /> The Board considered approving the Orange County Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) <br /> Board's use of the amended travel policy. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said this was a reconsideration of a motion on which the Board <br /> acted in June. <br /> Gary Donaldson, Chief Financial Officer, led the presentation: <br /> BACKGROUND: Five years ago, the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission <br /> enacted a new policy requirement that each local ABC Board adopt a travel policy on an <br /> annual basis. A local ABC Board can adopt the State of North Carolina's travel policy, or the <br /> travel policy of the County in which the ABC Board resides, or a travel policy that conforms to <br /> the travel policy of the County. <br /> The Orange County ABC Board voted the last five years to adopt and use Orange County's <br /> travel policy. The travel policy was most recently adopted by the BOCC on June 21, 2016. <br /> Subsequent to the June adoption, the ABC Board had minor ABC revisions primarily pertaining <br /> to ABC approval in order for the ABC Board to use the proposed amended policy, the Board of <br /> County Commissioners must approve. <br /> Chair McKee said the ABC Board does not object to informing the Manager of their <br /> travel plans. He said the ABC Board is a state board, though the BOCC appoints board <br /> members and Chair, but does not provide operational funding. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs for <br /> the Board to approve the Orange County ABC Board's use of the amended travel policy. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Designation of the "Headwaters Nature Preserve" and Approval of Budget <br /> Amendment#2-A <br />