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4 <br /> Phillip Nasseri said most departments are at least maintaining, but more likely <br /> increasing, the number of calls about 2-5% per year. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the calls tend to be emergencies or fires. <br /> Phillip Nasseri said fires in general are on the decline, but the fires that do occur are <br /> more severe in nature due to modern construction techniques. He said calls tend to be rescue <br /> based. <br /> 2. Radio Infrastructure Including Paging <br /> Background Information: <br /> The Countywide Radio Communications Interoperability and Systems Engineering Services <br /> Committee was established in January 2016. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued on <br /> January 29, 2016 for a vendor neutral consultant who could determine the most efficient and <br /> effective method for designing a countywide radio system. A total of seven (7) Fire/Rescue <br /> representatives —four (4) from the Chief's Association and three (3) from Municipal <br /> Departments — make up this committee along with a representative from every Law <br /> Enforcement Department and four (4) representatives from Orange County Government. The <br /> committee conducted an interview assessment and met afterwards to discuss and deliver a <br /> recommendation of the selected consultant. Efforts are currently in the contract stage. <br /> Phillip Nasseri said this project is costly but vital to Orange County for communications. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if there is anything Orange County can do in reference to <br /> the infrastructure. <br /> Phillip Nasseri said when the contract is awarded it would be helpful to have the Board <br /> of County Commissioners to support the consultant's recommendations. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if Phillip Nasseri could detail the current challenges with <br /> the communication infrastructure. <br /> Phillip Nasseri said the current 800 system, the VIPER Network System, being used by <br /> the State and Orange County has limited user sites and limited coverage area. He said there <br /> are minimal towers, which are used by multiple jurisdictions leading to overuse. He said on a <br /> day-to-day basis, things function fairly well, but in times of inclement weather or greater <br /> emergencies, the system is not sufficient. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the problem is insufficient capacity. <br /> Phillip Nasseri said that is correct, and some problems are due to aging equipment. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if it is possible to communicate between various counties <br /> across the State, during emergencies. <br /> Phillip Nasseri said there are statewide channels, which can be used. He said the <br /> problem being discussed this evening is a local one. <br /> Dinah Jeffries said the currently used 800mz does not allow data information on it, or <br /> non-public safety entities to use it; for example: schools, animal control, transportation, etc. <br /> She said it was designed very much for Highway Patrol. <br /> 3. Discussion on PageTrack Software <br /> Background Information: <br /> This item provides an opportunity to discuss issues and opportunities relating to PageTrack <br /> software. Emergency Services is working closely with Efland Deputy Chief Pete Hallenbeck. <br /> Efforts have been made to configure some Gateway boxes to talk to the PageTrack server, <br /> meaning that fire and Emergency Medical Services can see one another. Work is continuing <br />