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9 <br /> 1 and the income from the first five years has been totaled to prepare an estimate for the store <br /> 2 here. <br /> 3 Commissioner Jacobs said there are four specialty food stores in Orange County, and <br /> 4 asked the consultant if anyone has looked at the effect of a larger store moving into an area <br /> 5 with the smaller stores. <br /> 6 Dwight Bassett, Economic Development Officer for the Town of Chapel Hill, said the <br /> 7 largest impact is generally felt in the first 90-120 day after the opening of a store, and then <br /> 8 returns to what it was before, based on buying preferences. He said the market is anticipated <br /> 9 to grow in the long term, and this is an opportunity to grow as a foodie destination beyond <br /> 10 restaurants. <br /> 11 Commissioner Jacobs said the benefits, which Wegmans provides to its employees, <br /> 12 should be commended. He said Orange County has a living wage in place, as do over 80+ <br /> 13 businesses. He asked if Wegmans would support the living wage. <br /> 14 Dan Aiken said Wegmans would be inclined to support this, and they have committed to <br /> 15 benchmark against what was on the Orange County Living Wage website at the time of this <br /> 16 current agreement. He said this will be continually reevaluated going forward. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> 19 Pam Hemminger, Mayor of Chapel Hill, said the Town Council did vote unanimously last <br /> 20 night to approve this business. She said the Town is grateful for the partnership with Orange <br /> 21 County. She said there were a lot of questions last night about the incentive plan, but there <br /> 22 were no questions or concerns about this particular company. She said Wegmans is greatly <br /> 23 liked. She said this is the first time a company has been successfully lured away from a bigger <br /> 24 county that has access to incentives. She said this is a great opportunity for Orange County, <br /> 25 and it sends a huge signal that we are serious about business opportunities in our area. <br /> 26 Delores Bailey, Executive Director of Empowerment, Inc., said she is present tonight as <br /> 27 a member of the Orange County Economic Development Advisory Board, who is in full support <br /> 28 of this project and the incentives. She praised this project and Wegmans' great support of its <br /> 29 employees. She commended Wegmans for its philanthropic contributions in the communities <br /> 30 where their stores are located. <br /> 31 Kristen Smith said she is here on behalf Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce, <br /> 32 who is in support of the Wegmans project and the interlocal agreement. <br /> 33 Commissioner Burroughs said she is in support of this project. She said it should be <br /> 34 reiterated that the incentives are performance based. She said Wegmans is a destination <br /> 35 store. <br /> 36 Commissioner Price thanked both staffs for their diligence in pursuing this project. She <br /> 37 supports this project. <br /> 38 Commissioner Rich said she is speaking as the liaison to the Chapel Hill Orange County <br /> 39 Visitor's Bureau, and tourists come for many aspects of Orange County including food and <br /> 40 hospitality. She said tourism has increased tremendously over the years, and this store will <br /> 41 only help to increase this. <br /> 42 Commissioner Rich said she is in the food business, and she hates the word "foodie." <br /> 43 She would like this word to be taken out of the press releases going forward. <br /> 44 Commissioner Pelissier echoed the comments of the other Commissioners. She looks <br /> 45 forward to Wegmans doing things in their stores that reflect the values of Orange County. <br /> 46 Commissioner Jacobs said he appreciates the opportunity to welcome Wegmans to <br /> 47 Orange County, along with the Town of Chapel Hill. He said Wegmans' profile is similar to that <br /> 48 of Morinaga. He thanked both staffs from Orange County and Chapel Hill. <br /> 49 Commissioner Dorosin clarified that there is no incentive or requirement that Orange <br /> 50 County residents should receive these newly created employment opportunities. <br />