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DocuSign Envelope ID:82431AC9-7F03-4084-815E-A2EFB34C92BB t A - continued <br /> ProvidersaithiAAyegyiNkilication <br /> request will allow IFC to double the amount of case management and reduce the time single <br /> women and women with children need to live in a shelter. <br /> Each resident currently receives case management about every two weeks in order to set <br /> goals and review her progress in working towards her goals. We would like to increase the <br /> frequency that a resident has access to the case manager, as a great deal can happen in <br /> the lives of mothers and children during a two-week period. Sometimes not making timely <br /> connections to resources such as mental health services or school resources can derail a <br /> family's entire plan for becoming self-sufficient. During a case management meeting the <br /> case manager and resident look at many different areas such as identifying/contacting local <br /> services, job search,job training or schooling, mental health, and housing, etc. They <br /> prioritize together how to navigate the confusing/frustrating situation of being homeless. <br /> Each resident identifies the next steps that would help her and her children become more <br /> stable and end their homelessness. Case notes are written after each session. Once goals <br /> have been set, the case manager supports the women's work towards those goals by <br /> identifying and making contact with outside service providers such as DSS (Work First, <br /> Rapid Rehousing, etc.), Vocational Rehabilitation, Freedom House, UNC Horizon's program <br /> , Durham Tech, and Community Empowerment Fund to name a few. The case manager <br /> advocates for the women when it seems they need extra assistance at these organizations. <br /> Program 3, Support Circles <br /> In accordance with the Consolidated Plan's Goal #2 Providing Housing and Services for <br /> Homeless Populations IFC coordinates Support Circles to Reduce Chronic <br /> Homelessness by providing the support formerly homeless individuals need in order to <br /> prevent a relapse into homelessness. Research shows that as homeless individuals and <br /> families transition out of shelters and other emergency housing into more independent living <br /> in the community, having support services is an essential component of successful <br /> stabilization. A much higher percentage of those who receive wrap-around services remain <br /> housed on a more permanent basis. In collaboration with social service agencies, the <br /> Support Circles Program contributes to breaking the cycle of poverty and homelessness in <br /> Orange County by training and supporting community members (volunteers) to provide <br /> material, practical, financial and relational support to those who are transitioning. <br /> Each individual or family (called a Partner) is matched with a Support Circle for 12 months. <br /> Modeled in large part after the Raleigh/Wake Support Circles Program for Homeless <br /> Families. OCPEH Support Circles provides volunteers essential training to be able to foster <br /> relationships that are empowering and offer support with the end goal of enhancing the <br /> likelihood that the Partners will be able to sustain the positive changes in their lives, both on <br /> an individual level (addressing domestic violence, mental illness and addiction issues) and <br /> in facing the structural and systemic challenges that contributed to their homelessness (such <br /> as lack of affordable housing, poverty and lack of affordable health care). <br /> IFC has 7 Support Circles functioning this year so far. This program has grown large <br /> enough that an all-volunteer effort is no longer practical. Their success is encouraging <br /> other volunteers to come forward and want to form circles, but there is a great deal of <br /> training and coordinating that must happen in order to increase the number of circles going <br /> at the same time. We have a half-time Support Circles Coordinator position, which is <br /> partially funded by the Human Services grant. <br /> d) Describe the population to be served or the area to benefit and indicate how you will <br /> identify beneficiaries. <br /> Main Application 1/25/2016 12:58:53 PM Page 9 of 33 <br />