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7 <br /> WHEREAS, small business owners and Main Street businesses have energy and a passion for <br /> what they do; and <br /> WHEREAS, when we support small business, jobs are created and local communities preserve <br /> their unique culture; and <br /> WHEREAS, because this country's 28 million small businesses create nearly two out of three <br /> jobs in our economy, we cannot resolve ourselves to create jobs and spur economic growth in <br /> America and Orange County without discussing ways to support our entrepreneurs; and <br /> WHEREAS, the President of the United States has proclaimed National Small Business Week <br /> every year since 1963 to highlight the programs and services available to entrepreneurs <br /> through the U.S. Small Business Administration and other government agencies; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County supports and joins in this national effort to help America's and <br /> Orange County's small businesses do what they do best— grow their business, create jobs, <br /> and ensure that our communities remain as vibrant tomorrow as they are today; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim <br /> May 1 through May 7, 2016 as "NATIONAL SMALL BUSINESS WEEK" in Orange County in <br /> celebration of the many Orange County small businesses. <br /> THIS THE 19th DAY OF APRIL, 2016. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs for <br /> the Board to approve and authorized the Chair to sign the proclamation on behalf of the Board. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br /> a. Public Hearing on General Obligation Bond Orders and Other Appropriate Action <br /> Bob Jessup, Bond Counsel, reviewed the following information for the Board's <br /> consideration: <br /> 1) Conducting a first scheduled public hearing to receive public comment on the questions <br /> of the validity of the bond orders and the advisability of issuing the bonds; <br /> 2) Close the public hearing. The Board can then either proceed to step (3) without <br /> changes to the Bond Orders as previously introduce, or in the alternative the Board may <br /> decide either(a) not to put forward either or both of the proposed orders, or(b) to lower <br /> the amount of either or both orders (The Board cannot, however, add a purpose for the <br /> proposed bonds or increase either amount of bonds without restarting the bond <br /> authorization process.); <br /> 3) In preparation for the second public hearing on May 5, 2016, introduce again (per Bond <br /> Counsel) the two bond orders which state the Board of County Commissioners' proposal to <br /> issue General Obligation Bonds to pay capital costs for providing school facilities and for <br /> housing for persons with low and moderate income: The first bond order introduction <br /> 7 <br />