Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:9E55035C-1051-4EBF-969E-3E6A4F06E2D5 <br /> 011 A NGE COUNTY <br /> Department vfEnvironment, <br /> Agriculture,Parks&Recreation <br /> November 15, 20I6 <br /> Mr. Richard Kirkland <br /> Kirkland Appraisals <br /> 9408 Northfield Court <br /> Raleigh, NC 27603 <br /> Request for Proposal: Conservation Easement Appraisal for Persimmon Hill Farm <br /> Dear Rich: <br /> The owners of Persimmon Hill Farm (Vann Bennett and Bernadette Pelissier) are in need <br /> of a conservation easement appraisal to determine the "before and after" values of their <br /> farm. The 90-acre farm is located at 8403 NC Highway 86, Cedar Grove, NC 27231. <br /> The owners intend to donate a permanent conservation easement to Orange County with a <br /> closing scheduled for December 15, 20I6. The owners will use the appraisal to help qualify <br /> for federal tax benefits available for easement donations. The appraisal is not required in <br /> advance of the closing; however the owners would like to know the easement value as soon <br /> as practicable. The appraisal will be for use by the owners; this request is on their behalf. <br /> The 90.47'uore farm comprised of three adjacent tax parcels: Orange County PIN 9849-89- <br /> 6992, PIN 9849-89-0929, and PIN 9849-89-3656. There are two existing residences—a <br /> farmhouse and a rental house—both shown on enclosed map. The owners will reserve the <br /> right to construct one future residence somewhere in the area shown on the map. All three <br /> reoidcuucnn/onldbaolnaterediuucmutraloreaoftbeformu' vvbJ* thovuatcu jority of the <br /> property will remain available for farm use. <br /> We will provide you with a summary of the planned conservation easement allowances and <br /> restrictions, including one future residence, stream buffers, and no subdivision allowed. <br /> If you are interested in this pr ject please send a brief proposal (including estimated cost <br /> and delivery date) to me at and I will share with the owners. <br /> Tb u. Let me know if you have any questions. <br /> Rfch Shaw <br /> Orange County DEAPR <br /> cc: Vann Bennett and Bernadette Pelissier <br /> Attachments: maps of subject property; summary of conservation easement <br />