Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> The Board approved the minutes for the September 8, 2016 BOCC Work Session as submitted <br /> by the Clerk to the Board. <br /> b. Motor Vehicle Property Tax Releases/Refunds <br /> The Board adopted a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, to release motor vehicle <br /> property tax values for six (6) taxpayers with a total of six (6) bills that will result in a reduction of <br /> revenue of$1,548.66 to Orange County, the towns, and school and fire districts. Financial <br /> impact year to date for FY 2016-2017 is $6,355.28. <br /> c. Property Tax Releases/Refunds <br /> The Board adopted a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, to release property tax <br /> values for eight (8) taxpayers with a total of eight (8) bills that will result in a reduction of <br /> revenue in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 105-381. <br /> d. Applications for Property Tax Exemption/Exclusion <br /> The Board approved the resolution, which is incorporated by reference, for five (5) untimely <br /> applications for exemption/exclusion from ad valorem taxation for five (5) bills for the 2016 tax <br /> year. <br /> e. North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program: Orange County Sheriff's Office <br /> Traffic Safety Project and Approval of Budget Amendment#1-B <br /> The Board adopted the North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program Local <br /> Governmental Resolution recognizing federal funding for traffic safety projects to the Sheriff's <br /> Office; authorized the Chair to sign the Resolution; and approved Budget Amendment#1-B <br /> accepting the $40,000 in grant funds. <br /> f. Authorization to Declare Solid Waste Management Vehicles Surplus <br /> The Board declared various Solid Waste Management vehicles surplus, and authorized the <br /> AMS Director to affect the sale of the items through GovDeals. <br /> g. Bid Award for the Purchase of Two (2) Hook Lift Trucks <br /> The Board awarded the purchase of two (2) Hook Lift Trucks to Freightliner of Austin, TX at a <br /> delivered cost of$203,488 each for a total of$406,976; declared Truck#1780 and #1680 <br /> surplus after receipt of the new trucks; and authorized the AMS Director to affect the sale of <br /> these items through GovDeals. <br /> 7. Regular Agenda <br /> a. Approval of 2017 Schedule of Values <br /> The Board considered adopting and authorizing the Chair to sign the Order of Adoption <br /> approving the proposed 2017 Reappraisal Schedule of Values, and direct staff to publish in The <br /> Herald Sun, News of Orange and Chapel Hill News the proper advertisements concerning the <br /> notice of adoption. <br /> Dwane Brinson, Tax Administrator, reviewed the background information below: <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> The proposed 2017 Schedule of Values was presented to the Board at the September 6, 2016 <br /> regular meeting. On September 7, 2016 the Tax Assessor advertised in the News of Orange, <br /> Herald Sun, and Chapel Hill News notice of the availability of the Schedule of Values for public <br /> inspection, and the date of the public hearing on the Schedule of Values. The Board held the <br /> public hearing regarding the Schedule of Values on September 20, 2016 regular meeting. <br /> Per North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 105-317(c)(1), "the [Tax] Assessor shall submit the <br /> proposed schedules, standards, and rules to the board of county commissioners not less than <br /> 21 days before the meeting at which they will be considered by the board. On the same day that <br /> they are submitted to the board for its consideration, the assessor shall file a copy of the <br />