Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:99BDCA4A-2934-455A-8D45-0C865AD016D0 it A continued <br /> Provider's Outside Agency Application <br /> MAIN APPLICATION <br /> Fifty-nine percent of children in our program are male, while 41% are female. The <br /> majority (72%) are African-American; 10% are Caucasian; 6% are Hispanic; 11% are Multi- <br /> Race; and 1% are Asian. Seventy-three percent quality for free/reduced lunch, and 75% <br /> live in single-parent households. Twenty-three percent have at least one incarcerated <br /> parent. <br /> Our programs target the children who need us most. Any child ages 6-14 with an identified <br /> need can be enrolled in our program. Parents/guardians recognize the potential of <br /> their children better than anyone. By starting a child in our program, parents are <br /> introducing a path that is brighter and more promising. <br /> e) Who specifically will carry out the activities and in what location will they be carried <br /> out? <br /> Our adult volunteers, or"Bigs," carry out our program activities. They receive extensive <br /> screening and training from our Enrollment Specialists and our Match Support Personnel. <br /> A careful process is followed to make a quality match between youth and the appropriate <br /> volunteer in order to promote long-term relationships. Community-Based Bigs routinely <br /> provide 8-10 hours a month of quality one-to-one time for each child. Spending time <br /> together out in the local community is primarily how Community-Based matches develop <br /> their relationship. <br /> School-Based matches spend at least one hour each week at the Little's school campus. <br /> However, our School-Based Mentoring Program isn't limited to the classroom. Of course, <br /> some Littles do talk with their Bigs about class, do homework, or read together, but it's <br /> perfectly fine to shoot hoops in the gym or play on the playground. Our current School- <br /> Based programs in Orange County include Estes Hills Elementary School, Mary Scroggs <br /> Elementary School, Philips Middle School and Smith Middle School. <br /> f) Describe specifically the period over which the activities will be carried out, the <br /> frequency with which the activities will be carried out, and the frequency with which <br /> services will be delivered. Include an implementation timeline. <br /> Our activities will continue to be carried out all throughout the year. Community-Based <br /> matches spend 8-10 hours per month together, while School-Based matches spend at least <br /> one hour a week together during the school year. Our Match Support Specialists provide <br /> on-going monthly support to each match. After the initial match process, volunteers, parents <br /> and children are contacted monthly to ensure the effectiveness of the service delivery <br /> model. Every day our Match Support Specialists are on the phone with our Bigs, Littles, <br /> and parents or guardians about their match experience, securing anecdotal evidence on the <br /> impact of the match. <br /> g) Provide a bulleted list of other agencies, if any, with which your agency <br /> coordinates/collaborates to accomplish or enhance the Projected Results in the <br /> Main Application 5/24/2016 8:51:19 AM P of 25 <br />