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DocuSign Envelope ID:99BDCA4A-2934-455A-8D45-0C865AD016D0 it A continued <br /> Provider's Outside Agency Application <br /> MAIN APPLICATION <br /> Program/Project Description (Label your responses as outlined below; not to exceed 3 pages.) <br /> Please provide the following information about the proposed program/project: <br /> b) Summarize the program services proposed and how the program will address the <br /> chosen Town/County priority? <br /> Our Community-Based program allows us to reach children throughout Orange County, <br /> Chapel Hill, and Carrboro who need an adult role model in their lives. Community-Based <br /> Bigs routinely provide two hours a week of quality one-to-one time for each child for at least <br /> one year. These Bigs play an integral role in the lives of their Littles by being good listeners, <br /> by giving the Littles a stable adult role model to help guide them in the right direction, and by <br /> exposing the Littles to a variety of cultural, community, and sporting activities. <br /> Our School-Based program allows school counselors and teachers to refer children who are <br /> struggling with class work or need extra attention to build better social skills and improve <br /> classroom behavior. Many of the children referred to our School-Based Mentoring Program <br /> are academically at risk— struggling with negative perceptions of school and teachers, time <br /> management, focusing, and test preparation. School-based mentors are trained to work with <br /> their Littles to offer a positive perspective on school, model productive study habits, and <br /> encourage improved relationships with teachers and other adults. <br /> Fourteen percent of our Littles and 15% of our Bigs reside in Orange County. Results of our <br /> 2015 Youth Outcomes Survey show that social acceptance, risk attitudes, scholastic <br /> competency, and parental trust, among others, are all markedly improved in our Littles after <br /> only one year in our program. This is proof that our program helps to prevent young people <br /> from going down the wrong path, making your community safer and more successful. <br /> c) Describe the local need or problem to be addressed in relation to the Consolidated <br /> Plan or other community priorities (i.e. Council/Board Goals). Cite local data to <br /> support the need for this program and the population being served. <br /> The number of youth living in poverty in the Triangle has increased substantially, along with <br /> increases in juvenile crime, school dropout rates, childhood obesity and other related <br /> health and social problems. There are more than 94,000 children who quality for free and <br /> reduced lunch living in our area, and most are minorities from single-parent households. <br /> Children who live in our highest crime-ridden neighborhoods, attend our most struggling <br /> schools, who become victims of violence and abuse, and/or who have an incarcerated <br /> parent are exponentially move at risk for "falling through the cracks." We operate in the <br /> belief that inherent in every child is the ability to succeed and thrive in life. These children <br /> need positive role models to show them hope for a brighter future, and our mentors help <br /> them achieve this. <br /> d) Describe the population to be served or the area to benefit and indicate how you will <br /> identify beneficiaries? <br /> Main Application 5/24/2016 8:51:19 AM .. of 25 <br />