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DocuSign Envelope ID:99BDCA4A-2934-455A-8D45-0C865AD016D0 it A continued <br /> Provider's Outside Agency Application <br /> MAIN APPLICATION <br /> 2. AGENCY INFORMATION <br /> Please provide the following information about your agency (Limit of 2 pages total): <br /> a) Years in Operation, Date of Incorporation (Month/Year) <br /> Years in Operation: A Big Brothers Big Sisters agency has operated here for 17 years. Big <br /> Brothers Big Sisters of the Triangle, which is the result of a merger of two BBBS agencies, <br /> has operated here for ten years. <br /> Date of Incorporation: 10/26/1998 <br /> b) Agency's Purpose/Mission <br /> Our mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally <br /> supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. <br /> c) Types of Services the Agency Provides <br /> Community-based mentoring provides children from single parent homes or other <br /> children in need of adult role models with a one-to-one mentor relationship with a volunteer <br /> from the community. These volunteers receive extensive screening and training from our <br /> Enrollment Specialists and our Match Support Personnel. A careful process is followed to <br /> make a quality match between youth and the appropriate volunteer in order to promote <br /> long-term relationships. The Community-based "Bigs" routinely provide 8-10 hours a month <br /> of quality one-to-one time for each child. This particular program allows us to reach children <br /> throughout the county who may otherwise not have access to services. These "Bigs" play <br /> an integral role of the lives of their "Littles" by providing a stable adult role model to help <br /> guide these children in the right direction. <br /> School-based mentoring provides mentors to children on their school campus during and <br /> after regular school hours. Our partnerships with many local schools allow school <br /> counselors and teachers to refer children who are struggling with class work or need extra <br /> attention to build better social skills and improve classroom behavior. Our school-based <br /> matches meet for one to two hours each week. They read together, do homework, or play <br /> educational games, among other activities. School-based Bigs work to improve their Littles <br /> school attendance and academic performance and help them understand the importance of <br /> staying in school, graduating, and achieving higher education. They also tend to have more <br /> Main Application 5/24/2016 8:51:19 AM 0 I:° 5 of 25 <br />