Agenda - 04-30-2007-d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-30-2007
Agenda - 04-30-2007-d
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r <br />The Chapel Hill- Carrboro Schools rely on the supplemental; school district tax <br />in addition to the monthly County appropriation. The supplemental tax is <br />approximately 113 of their local current expense fund revenues and is received <br />primarily.during the months of January and February. Because of this reliance <br />on the district tax and again, using the County's 82 mini mum standard as ar gacige, <br />a 5.52 fund balance level should be adequate for the Chapel Hill - Carrboro Schools. <br />In addition to my own analyses of the above percentages, I have discussed the <br />fund balance level appropriate fbr school systems with others in state and <br />local goverameat who are familiar with school-and county finances. The consensus <br />was that the fund balance level for school systems should be somewhat lower than <br />that of the County's 82 standard and that a system, relying on a supplemental tax <br />would need,a higher level than otherwise necessary. <br />Based on my analyses -and discussions, I recoammend that the following policies <br />be established: <br />L. Orange County Schools begin each.'£iscal year, to the extent possible, <br />with fund balance available but unappropriated in the local current <br />expense fund that is equal to na-more than 2.7% of the budgeted <br />expenditures in that fund for that year, and; <br />2. Chapel Hill- Carrboro Schools begin each fiscal year, to the extent <br />possible, with a fund balance available but uaapproptiat he <br />local current expense fund that is equal to ao more that 5.52 o the, <br />budgeted expenditures in that fund for that year.- <br />It must be noted that, based on'the local current expense budgets as. originally <br />adopted for 1985 -86, Orange County. Schools fund balance level was approximately <br />$86,000 short of the level• recommended in this draft,polidy. Also, Chapel 114 11 <br />Schools fund balance level was approximately $204,000 short of the <br />recommended level. Considering the federal cut -back in assistance to local <br />governments, the County should not be expected to build -up the school systems <br />fund balance levels in one fiscal years I rec end "that this be. accomplished <br />gradually over a period of several fiscal years. <br />V <br />r' <br />r <br />The Chapel Hill- Carrboro Schools rely on the supplemental; school district tax <br />in addition to the monthly County appropriation. The supplemental tax is <br />approximately 113 of their local current expense fund revenues and is received <br />primarily.during the months of January and February. Because of this reliance <br />on the district tax and again, using the County's 82 mini mum standard as ar gacige, <br />a 5.52 fund balance level should be adequate for the Chapel Hill - Carrboro Schools. <br />In addition to my own analyses of the above percentages, I have discussed the <br />fund balance level appropriate fbr school systems with others in state and <br />local goverameat who are familiar with school-and county finances. The consensus <br />was that the fund balance level for school systems should be somewhat lower than <br />that of the County's 82 standard and that a system, relying on a supplemental tax <br />would need,a higher level than otherwise necessary. <br />Based on my analyses -and discussions, I recoammend that the following policies <br />be established: <br />L. Orange County Schools begin each.'£iscal year, to the extent possible, <br />with fund balance available but unappropriated in the local current <br />expense fund that is equal to na-more than 2.7% of the budgeted <br />expenditures in that fund for that year, and; <br />2. Chapel Hill- Carrboro Schools begin each fiscal year, to the extent <br />possible, with a fund balance available but uaapproptiat he <br />local current expense fund that is equal to ao more that 5.52 o the, <br />budgeted expenditures in that fund for that year.- <br />It must be noted that, based on'the local current expense budgets as. originally <br />adopted for 1985 -86, Orange County. Schools fund balance level was approximately <br />$86,000 short of the level• recommended in this draft,polidy. Also, Chapel 114 11 <br />Schools fund balance level was approximately $204,000 short of the <br />recommended level. Considering the federal cut -back in assistance to local <br />governments, the County should not be expected to build -up the school systems <br />fund balance levels in one fiscal years I rec end "that this be. accomplished <br />gradually over a period of several fiscal years. <br />V <br />
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