Orange County NC Website
42 <br /> DRAFT <br /> Claude Breeze asked if the PCDP LLC parcel was currently zoned to have an automotive repair shop on it and <br /> explained that several nearby residents, including him, are concerned about possible oil leaks and well <br /> contamination. <br /> Michael Harvey explained that currently it is not zoned for that use; however, it should have previously been zoned <br /> as EC-5 when the Cedar Grove township was originally zoned in the mid 1990's. Michael said there was, based on <br /> the information he had available, an automotive repair shop at that property at that time meaning staff should have <br /> zoned it to an appropriate commercial zoning designation. <br /> Philip Ezel explained that he has to meet state and local requirements regarding possible contamination and that any <br /> contamination on the property would prevent him from possibly selling it in the future without spending a lot of money <br /> to get it fixed. <br /> Paul Guthrie asked for clarification on the setbacks and buffers for this parcel <br /> Michael Harvey explained that it was have to observe a 40 foot setback off of the property line from the road, a 20 <br /> foot setback from all other property lines, and according to the buffer regulations, EC-5 zoned properties are <br /> essentially required to have a 100 foot buffer from adjacent residential zoning districts. <br /> Phillip Ezel stated that there are some discrepancies regarding the property line with his property and Mr. Breeze's <br /> property. He also explained that he is unable to move the cars from his property until the State of North Carolina tells <br /> him he can move them from his property. <br /> Michael Harvey stated that if Phillip Ezel or any of the other property owner's that were discussed tonight sells their <br /> property the same regulatory standards would still apply and that there are still four more townships to review. <br /> MOTION by Paul Guthrie to approve statement of consistency and to approve the proposed zoning atlas amendment <br /> package as amended by the staff. Seconded by Tony Blake. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 3 <br />