Orange County NC Website
Space Considerations <br />1) Class Size and School Capacity <br />The Collaboration Work Group recommends that traditional school capacity be in <br />accordance with State class size/teaching station requirements as outlined in <br />North Carolina General Statute 115C-301. <br />Elementary School -For school year 2006-07, elementary class size/teachin <br />statio re uirements are------------------------------------------------- ---------------... t~e~a: -------~ <br />_~,. g ---------------------------- <br />• Average of 21 students per class in grades kindergarten through three <br />® Average of 26 students per class in grades four and five <br />10 students per class in special needs classrooms <br />Based on the average class sizes outlined abovq,_the: capacity_ of_a_ traditional _.__.--- ~~~~ .forschool year200s-o7,~ <br />elementary school totals 585 students - a reduction of 15 students from the oeie~a. e~'ng <br />.. _.. - <br />revious Coun_ __ standards of 600 students.___ SECTION =MOVEt7 TO,..aVEXT _,_,: <br />._ <br />(?A - ty - - --°-------- ~~~~nds th oshould tPhe Genera <br />------•- -------- ----- --- -----------------•--------------•--------- -------------- -- -- re me at <br />Middle School -Middle school includes grades six through eight. For school `~, Assembly amend Bass s¢es at any <br />level, the County's School <br />year 2006-07, middle school State class. size requirements are: Construction standards shomd be <br />amended within some reasonable <br />g ~ ''. timeframe that would allow for <br />• Average of 26 students per class in grades six throu h ei ht . ........ .... consideration of funding and <br />® 10 students per class in special needs classrooms ', adequate timing of new schools: <br />• •. `' Deleted: ¶ <br />Based on the average class sizes outlined above, for school year 2006-07, the '~• Deie~a: s --- <br />capacity of a traditional middle school veraf. es 700 students________________________________-_-___ D~~; totals . <br />High School -High school includes grades nine through twelve. For school <br />year 2006-07, high school class sizes allow for: <br />Regular classrooms with a minimum capacity, 20 students per --- <br />class/teaching station __ Deleted: of <br />Vocational Education class rooms with a capacity ranging from 15 to 20 ~r;:: Deleted. s <br />students per class/teaching station ---~ <br />All other classrooms range from 15_ to__25_ students _per_ class/teachin ___._.-- Deiet~ed: ~o <br />.station - <br />o .For example a theater arts, class_ room__may__ have__upper_ range_,_.---- Deierna: <br />capacity while exceptional education class rooms would be on the <br />lower end of the spectrum <br />For school year 2006-07, the capacity of a traditional high school ranges <br />between 1,000 and 1,500 students. <br />