Orange County NC Website
property survey, appraisals and deed recordings, testing to include soils, cultural, <br />archeological, environmental, suitability, and legal fees associated with purchase <br />and recording the property. <br />for purposes of_this update,_it_i5_recommended_that the_per acre_price_be_ <br />consistent with the fair market value of land at the time of purchase. The <br />School Capital Review Team would review market value of land each year <br />during the process outlined earlier in this report. <br />b) Site Development . <br />Site development should be broken out into two sub-categories: <br />i) Hard Construction -Site & Vertical Tasks <br />Costs included in this category cover the "usual" costs of all construction <br />activities associated with preparing a school site for construction (both <br />"horizontal" [dirt] and "vertical" [building] construction). Examples of items to <br />budget in this category include pre-grading and- final grading of the site to <br />include playing fields and playgrounds, installation of storm water run-off <br />drainage, testing for soil suitability (rock), extension and/or installation of <br />utilities, building structure and systems (includes General Contractor and all <br />Sub-Contractors; satisfying municipal requirements such as storm water run- <br />off drainage; and landscaping to include, when feasible, xeriscaping. <br />Deleted: The purchase price of <br />suitable, developable land vanes <br />within the boundaries of Orange <br />County. Current Standanis allow <br />$25,000 per acre for elementary and <br />middle school sites and $30,OOD for <br />high school sites. <br />Deleted: <#>Fees¶ <br />Fees consist of non-consWdion <br />costs ("soft costs°) related to the <br />direct site and building. Archltectural, <br />engineering and construction <br />management services to indude <br />educational specifications and <br />programming, schematics and design <br />development, bidding, construction <br />documents, construction <br />administration, reimbursables, <br />fumlture selection would be induded <br />in the Fee component of a project <br />budget Other fee costs associated <br />with the Fee component of a projed <br />would include on-site engineedng <br />control inspections, materials testing <br />(such as concrete, sutable soils), <br />survey, topographic and boundary <br />studies, local government <br />applications and permit fees such as <br />zoning, spedal use, conditional use <br />and building, conned fees to utilities, <br />and. In addition, costs assodated <br />with special'¢ed consultants such as <br />traffic engineers, environmental <br />spedalists, and projed <br />schedulerslexpedltors along wish fees <br />charged by North Carolina <br />cable trays. In addition, space there <br />should be sufficient space for local <br />d vtnd ~ <br />wiring and fiber optics, technology <br />computers, file servers, routers, <br />ii) Hard Construction -Off-Site pepartment of Environment and <br />This category includes construction activities for the surrounding area (costs Natural Resources (NCDENR), North <br />of "horizontal" construction). It does not include hard construction costs Transportation NCDOTwouldbe <br />associated directly with the building and direct site (see Section 2 a above). ~ induded in tha Fee portion of the <br />Historically, these costs have been high in cost and are unique to individual projedaudget.¶ <br />projects. Examples of off-site development costs include water and sewer ? ~Tecnnology tnfrastnrcture¶ <br />installations/extensions to the site, off-site road intersection improvements Thsa~s ~enD~a~ ~9"~~OS~,ooic <br />including, roundabouts, turn lanes and traffic signals or other traffic control systems to install up-to-date <br />devices, sidewalks, -off-site environmental mitigation, construction of trails ~ all student ,faculty and staff. When <br />q funds are not available for the <br />and/or greenway systems and other municipal or state re uirements. All <br />design work associated with these costs outlined in this section would be I stale r~eeomm otls tn~t~ n~ls, the <br />considered "Hard Construction -Off-Site" COStS. systems provide empty conduits and <br />- --- -- ----- ------------------°-----------------------' an a area netwo ,files rve <br />- - ------ - - - - <br />~----------------------------------------------- ~,, and other equipment. Fiber optic <br />cLMoveable Equipment Able may replace wiring dosets. <br />Examples of readily moveable equipment include office furniture (desks, chairs, '~,, This may be a more cost effident <br />files, bookcases), cafeteria equipment (tables, seating, ovens, stoves, '; ¶ anner to provde connedivity.y( <br />dishwashers), conference room furniture, gymnasium bleachers and athletic field In addition to infrasirudure such as <br />bleachers. consulting services along with <br />t• '~, scanners printers, telephones,(-' <br />dZOne-Time Start up Costs <br />Examples of one-time start up costs ma include media center collections, ••' <br />classroom textbooks and & supplies, musical instruments, science lab materials, <br />rmatted: Bullets and Numbering <br />Formatted: Bullets and Numbering <br />16 <br />