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4 <br /> Orange County Public Library / Strategic Plan 2017-2020 <br /> Welcome from the Library Director <br /> The library's 2017-2020 strategic plan comes at the end of an election cycle riddled with anger, <br /> anxiety and divisiveness. Many of us long for a place to restore our sense of civility and safety <br /> and our sense of connection. <br /> As a public servant, community member and library director, I have wanted to know how the <br /> library can act as a connector and convener for people in search of those values. This strategic <br /> planning process provided some exciting answers to this question, but they did not come from <br /> me. Through its thoughtful participation and feedback during this process, the Orange County <br /> community has shown the library how to proceed, and what to continue doing well. <br /> From across the county, we received compliments for the high quality services and creative <br /> programs we provide, and for our attempts to be inclusive and welcoming to our entire <br /> community. In our parent focus group, for example, we expected feedback around offering <br /> more story times, a broader selection of books and kid-friendly technology. Instead, we were <br /> told that we already excel in those areas and to keep it up but also consider new initiatives. <br /> Over 600 county residents participated in the formation of this plan.They challenged us to raise <br /> our game and to look outward. They want us to lift our gaze from computer screens, data <br /> sheets and shelves. They asked us to look at and listen more closely to them, so that together <br /> we can find the answers to our questions. In addition to offering traditional library services, <br /> they want us to move out of our comfort zone and meet people where they are. They want the <br /> library to be a greater part of the civic life of an already engaged community. <br /> They said, "Don't just be a 'library', be a leader." <br /> This new path will include partnering with county community centers, early childhood learning <br /> centers and K-12 schools, among others. It will include connecting more with adult learners and <br /> serving a more deliberate role in improving the quality of life in this amazing county. Our <br /> strategic plan gives us the framework we need to chart this journey.'s going to be EPIC! <br /> 4 3 <br /> VIVjI. FM°' <br />