Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> MEMO <br /> To: Donna Baker, Clerk to the Board <br /> From: Nancy Coston, Social Services Director <br /> Date: November 9, 2016 <br /> Subject: Workforce Development Board <br /> The Regional Partnership Workforce Development Board serves Alamance, Montgomery, Moore, <br /> Orange and Randolph Counties. Its responsibilities include the oversight of NCWorks Career Centers and <br /> Building Futures as well as the budgets associated with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act <br /> (WIOA) funding. Each county in North Carolina must patriciate in one of the boards and this is <br /> accomplished through a signed agreement among the respective county commissioners. Several years <br /> ago, the Regional Partnership was expanded from serving Alamance, Randolph and Orange to include <br /> Montgomery and Moore. At that time, Orange County considered other options since this geographic <br /> group and the employment interests were not well aligned with local needs. The Board of County <br /> Commissioners made a decision at that time to suspend any new appointments to the partnership <br /> board while alternatives were considered. No viable alternative was found at that time and Orange <br /> County has remained with this partnership. <br /> Although there is still interest in exploring other options that might better reflect the economic <br /> interests of Orange County, in the interim it is recommended that the Board of County Commissioners <br /> approve appointments to this board. Counties are not given a specific number of board appointments <br /> and most of the appointments are required to be private sector. A number of the positions are also <br /> required to represent certain public agencies, such as social services. <br /> Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. <br />