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3 <br /> Article IV. Meetings <br /> Section 1 Regular Meeting <br /> 1. 1 The Task Forcc Commission shall meet once <br /> each month at a time and date to be <br /> determined by the membership at the first <br /> meeting in October of each year. These <br /> meetings shall alternate between Chapel <br /> Hill and Hillsborough. <br /> 1.2 An agenda shall be prepared and <br /> distributed to the membership 5 days prior <br /> to the meeting date. <br /> 1. 3 In the event a meeting must be cancelled, <br /> the Chair shall notify the Task Force <br /> Commission members in writing or by phone <br /> at least 5 days prior to the scheduled <br /> meeting. <br /> 1.4 All meetings shall be open to the public. <br /> 1. 5 No official business can be enacted unless <br /> a quorum is present. A quorum will be 1/3 <br /> 50% +1 of the actual total voting <br /> membership. Majority vote of the quorum is <br /> required for passing a motion. A program <br /> or agency which has an appointed <br /> representative on the Task Force <br /> Commission may send a proxy representative <br /> to regular Task Force Commission meetings. <br /> Said proxy shall have the same voting <br /> privileges. <br /> 1. 6 Minutes shall be taken at every meeting <br /> and distributed prior to or at the <br /> subsequent meeting with the agenda for the <br /> next meeting. <br /> Section 2 . Special Meetings <br /> 2 . 1 The Chairperson Executive Committee may <br /> call ouch Special meetings as deemed <br /> necessary to carry out the duties of the <br /> Task Force Commission. <br /> 2 .2 Notice and rationale for special meetings <br /> shall be given to all members of the Task <br /> Feree—Commission in writing or by phone at <br /> least 3 days in advance. <br /> Article V. Committees <br /> Section 1. Executive Committee <br /> 1. 1 The Executive Committee will be composed <br /> B: \YSNTFBY.LAW <br />