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2 <br /> shall be replaced because of lack of <br /> attcndancc or resignation. The Chairperson <br /> shall advise the Board of Commissioners of <br /> attendance of the membership. <br /> Section 2 . If a member, in any calendar year, has <br /> unexcused absences which constitute more <br /> than 25 percent of the Commission <br /> meetings, he/she is required to resign. <br /> Excused absences are defined as absences <br /> caused by events beyond one's control. <br /> Members are requested to contact a member <br /> of the Executive Committee with <br /> notification of their absence prior to the <br /> meeting. A calendar year is to be defined <br /> as a 12-month period beginning on the date <br /> of appointment. <br /> Section 3 . The membership shall be no less than 12 <br /> persons and no more than 24 persons. <br /> Section 4 . Directors of programs serving youth in <br /> Orange County not rcprcscntcd on the Task <br /> officio members. <br /> MOVED FROM PAGE 4 - SECTION 2 .2 <br /> CBA funded program representatives or <br /> their proxies shall be non-voting members <br /> of this Commission. <br /> Section 5. The Director of Sheaffer House program <br /> shall be a standing member of the Task <br /> Force Commission. This is a County CBA <br /> program which this Commission is charged <br /> with evaluating. with the Task Force <br /> responsible for on going program <br /> evaluation. <br /> Article III. Officers <br /> Section 1. The officers shall include a Chairperson, <br /> Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary. <br /> Section 2 . These officers shall be elected by the <br /> ask Force Commission membership at the <br /> June last scheduled meeting of each fiscal <br /> year. New Officers will assume office on <br /> July 1st. <br /> Section 3 . Officers The Chair and Vice-Chair shall <br /> be elected for one year terms and shall <br /> may succeed themselves for one additional <br /> term. <br /> ADDED: Section 4. The secretary shall be elected for a term <br /> of one year and may succeed him/herself. <br /> B: \YSNTFBY.LAW <br />