Orange County NC Website
<br />I <br />,r~'q~~~'~~'- tlrange County <br />°~ <br />{ f~' ~`- Partnership: o End Homelessness< <br />'' PLO. Box 8181' <br />~ ~ _ ~~ ~~ ~~ Hillsborough,.NC 2'7218 <br />j ~''-~t rv ~>~'~' <br />~.~ <br />~: ', <br />To: Orange County,Board of Commissioners <br />Chapel HiII Town Council <br />Hillsborough Board of Commissioners <br />~ Carrboro Board of Aldermen <br />` Triangle United Way <br />j f :.: <br />+ "~ This document rs the:: product of a two-year community eff ort to develop a campre- <br />hensive approach to addressing ,the problem of homelessness in Orange County. <br />Its origins lay rn the ;Bush administration's initiative to encourage a nationwide fo- <br />r cus on chronic homelessness. and the development of community plans to end <br />chronic homelessness within 10 years. The Orange County Partnership to Entl <br />Homelessness was'formed to meet that challenge through the combined efforts of <br />Orange County; the Towns of Hillsborough, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro; the.Triangle <br />+ United Way; Orange Congregations in Mission; '::Inter-Faith' Council for Social Ser- <br />e. vices; OPC Area Program; the Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce; and the Uni- <br />versi~y of North Carolina -Chapel Hill. We would like to take this opportuniry to <br />~~~~ ~ thank the members of the community who have giventheir time to participafe in <br />the process. <br />i <br />'' The process began .with a November 2004 Roundtable Discussion to bring the <br />I issue of homelessness to the attention of the public. Orange and Durham Coun- <br />ties held a joint press conference to announce the development of 10-year Plans <br />to End Homelessness. in February 2005, at which Philip::, Mangano, Executive Qi- <br />rector of the US Interagency Council on .Homelessness spoke about the impor- <br />t' l tance of community-based efforts to address homelessness. A second Rountable <br />Discussion on Homelessness was. held in April !2005, vhich featured breakout <br />group discussions on community ownership of homelessness, preventing home- <br />' ~ lessness, and moving from homelessness to self-sufficiency. A' consultant was <br />i <br />hired to help wrth the development of the 10-year plan ih September 2005 and a <br />Steering Commrttee;of over 60 people was formed. Eighteen focus group ses- <br />j 3 sions were held throughout the County in February 2006;-.and intensive interviews <br />along with a Community Forum conducted by a group of graduate students from <br />UNC's School of Pu61ic Health were conducted in April 2006. Over the Summer of. <br />E 2006, a series of subcommittees of the Steering Committee worked to develop he <br />t set of recommendations'' that are contained in this document. A wide. range of <br />community and busrress leaders; social service,agencies, County and Town staff, <br />~ local congregatrons;''citizens, and homeless individuals have participated in and <br />j,. "~ contributed to this effort.' <br />