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1~ <br />__ _ _~ <br />ix <br />~~ <br />Ten-Year Ian tco s <br />Goals and Strategies for the Orange County 10-Year Plan were generated through the efforts <br />' of subcommittees formed from the Steering Committee of the Orange County Partnership to <br />~' `~ End Homelessness and participants from the Community Forum. They were designed to pro- <br />0 vide a comprehensive push to end chronic homelessness in Orange County, while maintain- <br />~~ ing a strong focus on serving the needs of non-chronic homeless families and individuals. <br />See Section 3.1 starting on page 37 fora complete list of tactics that accompany these stra~e- <br />gies. The goals and strategies of the Plan are: <br />i ~~~6 ~o _ R~d~ace Chi®nie 1i~melestness <br />~~T~ -- .:~_ . .. <br />Strategy 1.1: Establish an assertive street outreach program that targets unsheltered <br />~! homeless people at natural gathering places throughout Orange County. <br />;; <br />Strategy 1.2: Establish an outreach .system in Northern Orange County that uses the <br />congregate feeding programs as a place to begin identifying those who are chronically <br />homeless in the rural part of the county. <br />i ' <br />~ Strategy 1.3: Create an Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Team that targets those <br />,;' who are chronically homeless and integrates the team with the above outreach~efforts. <br />'. Strategy 1.4: Ensure that both inpatient and outpatient substance abuse treatment is <br />R made available to those chronically homeless individuals who desire that service. If inpa- <br />bent treatment is necessary, make sure that permanent housing is not lost during the in- <br />patient stay. <br />''c Strategy 1.5: Identify strategies designed to address the needs for shelter and services <br />for individuals with complex behaviors that result in being banned from kitchen/shelter <br />" ' services. <br />~:~ <br />~a <br />Strategy 1.6: Sheltered chronically homeless people will be able to move into perma- <br />4 Went housing by receiving the services necessary for them to obtain and maintain perma- <br />'' `; Went housing. <br />'~ ' Strategy 1.7: 40 units will be rehabbed/rented/built to provide permanent supportive <br />housing (including the use of Assertive Community Treatment Teams) for the chronic <br />~' I homeless in Orange County within the first 3-5 years of the plan. <br />~, <br />Strategy 1.8: Ensure that nonprofit developers have the organizational and financial ca- <br />paci~y to create new housing units within the community for the chronically homeless: <br />~~ a Strategy 1.9: Identify a wide variety of sites for housing the chronically homeless <br />throughout the county in the most fair and effective places within the county. <br />~; <br />i, <br />Strategy 1.10: Establish a rigorous evaluation mechanism that measures the cost of <br />individuals who are chronically homeless before and after they are receiving housing and <br />~:_ . _ .._____, support services. <br />