Orange County NC Website
~q <br />ATTACHMENT G <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPAI2TIVlENT <br />. Craig N. Benedict, AICP, Director <br />4~~w4 .r e,, <br />Current Planning ~~` ,, ''. ~ 306E Revere Road <br />(919) 245 2575 ~ , u Q ~ P O Box 8181 <br />(919) 644-3002 (FA)c) A ~ Hillsborough, <br /> '`••~o C•S~``4• North Carolina, 27278 <br /> <br />TO: Craig Benedict -Planning Director <br />FROM: Michael D. Harvey -Planner II <br />CC: Robert P. Davis -Current Planning Supervisor <br />Geoffrey Gledhill -County Attorney <br />DATE: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 <br />RE: RL;VIEW of recent amendment to rJ'arth Carolina General Statutes concernng <br />establishment of moratoriums by local governments. <br />As requested, please accept the following memorandum as an analysis of recent amendments to <br />North Cazolina General Statues concerning the imposition of development moratoriums fiy local <br />governments. The regulations concerning the procedure for a County to initiate a moratorium <br />are covered under NCGS 153A-340 (h) while a municipality is bound by the procedures outlined <br />under NCGS 160A-381(e). <br />The request for this analysis was made after staff was informed that the Town of Carrbaro was <br />considering imposing a development moratorium within the Joint Planning Area (JPA) <br />Transition Area of the County. As of this date, staffhas not received any information concerning <br />the proposal. . <br />BACKGROUND: <br />A moratorium is loosely defined as a temporary cessation by a local government in granting <br />pernnits allowing for the development of property while efforts aze undertaken to review, <br />analyze, or address concerns aver conditions associated with a specific classification of <br />development (i.e. residential, commercial, industrial, etc.) or over concerns ari.s~ing out of <br />allowing any and all development to occur within a specific area. Originally, the power of local <br />