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~~ <br />NOTES FROM MARCH 28, 2007 MEETING OF NORTHERN STUDY AREA <br />PLAN IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW COMMITTEE (NSAPIRC) <br />BY GENE BELL, ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING <br />1. Adjustments to Agenda: Item IV.C) a PowerPoint presentation by James <br />Camahan was added. <br />II. Selection of Chair: Jay Bryan was selected as chair. <br />III. Meeting Notes from March 15, 2007: On page 3, bottom paragraph of meeting <br />notes I stated that it should read, `The BOCC has decided to accept public input at <br />the April 26 Joint Planning Public Hearing.° <br />IV. Update on Meeting Facilitation and Public Notice: <br />A) Dispute Settlement Center: Robin Langdon and Will of the DSC <br />were present. DSC will provide a general set of ground rules to guide <br />discussion at community forums and will have evaluation period at end. They <br />recommended discussion groups of 10-12 individuals and stated they could <br />provide a volunteer facilitator for each breakout group. They recommended <br />that an NSAPIRC member be assigned to each group as a resource person. <br />The recommended approach for the first forum was for each group to address <br />the following: <br />® Here are the goals from the Facilitated Small Area Plan <br />These are goals that have been met <br />® These are goals that haven't been met <br />® What would you like to see (regarding achievement of unmet goals?) <br />• At the end all groups would get together and each report on its <br />recommendations. <br />The NSAPIRC seemed agreeable to the recommended~approach. <br />B) Advertising Options: At a minimum.should involve same level of effort <br />employed in-the small area plan process 10 years ago. Ideas included press <br />releases, listing on town and other applicable websites, signs or banners at <br />major entrances to town, and mailings to property owners. Regarding <br />mailings there was a question about whether to .mention only first forum or <br />both. The first forum is intended to be informational and educational and the <br />second, recommendations and decision-making. The expectation is that a. <br />person has to attend the first fonim if they want to participate in the second. <br />Due to the cost of mailings, consensus seemed to be to mention both forums, <br />but emphasize the importance of attending the first one. <br />C) James Carnahan: Mr. Camahan gave a brief PowerPoint presentation of <br />"old/new urbanism" composed of slides of various European and American <br />cities that juxtaposed views of streetscapes. His focus was human scale <br />development especially as related to street width, building height, <br />architectural styles, and green/open space. He thought visual presentations <br />would be a valuable way for the group to communicate ideas, especially in <br />terms of the types of future non-residential development desired in the NSA. <br />