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under Chapter 150B to any applicant whose license is denied or to whom licensure is - <br /> offered subject to any restrictions, probation, disciplinary action, remediation, or <br /> other conditions or limitations, or to any licensee before revoking, suspending, or <br /> restricting a license or imposing any other disciplinary action or remediation. If the <br /> applicant or licensee waives the opportunity for a hearing, the Board's denial, <br /> revocation, suspension, or other proposed action becomes final without a hearing <br /> having been conducted. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no applicant or licensee is <br /> entitled to a hearing for failure to pass an examination. In any proceeding before the <br /> Board, in any record of any hearing before the Board, in any complaint or notice of <br /> charges against any licensee or applicant for licensure, and in any decision rendered <br /> by the Board, the Board may withhold from public disclosure the identity of any <br /> clients or patients who have not consented to the public disclosure of treatment by <br /> the licensee or applicant. The Board may close a hearing to the public and receive in <br /> executive session closed session evidence involving or concerning the treatment or <br /> delivery of psychological services to a client or a patient who has not consented to <br /> the public disclosure of such treatment or services as may be necessary for the <br /> protection and rights of such patient or client of the accused applicant or licensee <br /> and the full presentation of relevant evidence. All records, papers and other <br /> documents containing information collected and compiled by or on behalf of the <br /> Board, as a result of investigations, inquiries or interviews conducted in connection <br /> with licensing or disciplinary matters will not be considered public records within the <br /> meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes; provided, however, that any notice <br /> or statement of charges against any licensee or applicant, or any notice to any <br /> licensee or applicant of a hearing in any proceeding, or any decision rendered in <br /> connection with a hearing in any proceeding, shall be a public record within the <br /> meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes, notwithstanding that it may contain <br /> information collected and compiled as a result of such investigation, inquiry, or <br /> hearing except that identifying information concerning the treatment or delivery of <br /> services to a patient or client who has not consented to the public disclosure of such <br /> treatment or services may be deleted; and provided, further, that if any such record, <br /> paper or other document containing information theretofore collected and compiled <br /> by or on behalf of the Board, as hereinbefore provided, is received and admitted in <br /> evidence in any hearing before the Board, it shall thereupon be a public record <br /> within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes, subject to any deletions <br /> of identifying information concerning the treatment or delivery of psychological <br /> services to a patient or client who has not consented to the public disclosure of such <br /> treatment or services." <br /> Sec. 8. G.S. 90-390(c) reads as rewritten: <br /> "(c) Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the procedure for revocation, <br /> suspension, refusal, or other limitations of the certificate shall be in accordance with <br /> the provisions of Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. In any proceeding or record <br /> of any hearing before the Board, and in any complaint or notice of charges against <br /> any certified fee-based pastoral counselor or certified fee-based pastoral counseling <br /> associate and in any decision rendered by the Board, the Board shall endeavor to <br /> withhold from public disclosure the identity of any counselees or clients who have <br /> not consented to the public disclosure of treatment by the certified fee-based pastoral <br /> counselor or certified fee-based pastoral counseling associate. The Board may close a <br /> hearing to the public and receive in executive session a closed session evidence <br /> concerning the treatment or delivery of pastoral counseling services to a counselee or <br /> a client who has not consented to public disclosure of. treatment or services, as may <br /> be necessary for the protection of the counselee's or client's rights and the full <br /> presentation of relevant evidence. All records, papers, and documents containing <br /> information collected and compiled by or on behalf of the Board as a result of <br /> House Bill 120 Page 7 <br />