Orange County NC Website
c~ <br />4. Twin Creeks (Moniese Nomp) Park -Phase I <br />a. Brief status report on activity <br />1. Carrboro CUP application is underway and nearing completion <br />(pending new Carrboro staff requests -see below) <br />2. The consultant and staff have attended Carrboro Attorney/staff <br />preliminary development review sessions, consistent with Town <br />policy and practice. Staff and Attorney have asked questions and <br />suggested changes and additions. <br />3. Discussions are underway on an infrastructure-sharing agreement <br />between the County and neighboring properties related to <br />wastewater lines and road construction. There has also been <br />recent correspondence from a landowner to the southeast about <br />easements. <br />b. Town attorney/staff requests for the CUP application include: <br />1. Include the "redline" trail in phase I of park, which could be part of <br />Town's future greenway system, from the southern boundary line, <br />along the Jones Creek corridor, to ES#10, <br />2. The application should plan to incorporate new stream buffer rules <br />being written (not yet completed), . <br />3. The application should plan to incorporate new lighting ordinance <br />standards (not yet completed), <br />4. The application should address annexation of Phase I, to ensure <br />that the east-west road along the southern boundary line is not <br />"split" by Town limits, <br />5. Town staff may suggest changes to road alignments - to be <br />discussed. <br />c. New cost estimates have been prepared for the projected Phase I <br />(originally envisioned to be 2 full-size soccer fields, picnic shelter, trail, <br />parking and associated amenities and infrastructure -with potential <br />pre-grading of the second pair of soccer fields, if funds permit). These <br />estimates are comprehensive and include bonds, contingencies and <br />other associated costs. The cost estimates range from $1.9 million for <br />two sprigged unlighted fields to $3.9 million for four lighted and sod <br />fields. <br />d. There are economies of scale in building all four soccer fields at the <br />same time. Building all four in 2008 could save approximately $250- <br />275,000, as compared to two in 2008 and the second pair in 2012. <br />e. Funds are insufficient to build Phase I at this time. Available funds for <br />the park are approximately $1.6 million, with an additional $50,000 in <br />payment-in-lieu funds. <br />