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DocuSign Envelope ID:4F0B7605-00EB-4D90-837E-574BBBBD89EB t A- continued <br /> Provider's Outside Agency Application <br /> MAIN APPLICATION <br /> b.) Program Budget Detail <br /> What is the cost to deliver your project/program? List each project/program element in the table below, <br /> including the cost of each element, the quantity and unit of measure, and the subtotal for each element. <br /> Where necessary, allocate costs to the use of shared space, vehicles or equipment. <br /> Exam•le Pro.ram: Credit Counselino Class <br /> oast Elements Cost/4 Of Measure, ' Subtotal:0) , <br /> Credit Counseling Teacher–in class $25 96 hours(8 hrs/mth x 12 months) $2,400 <br /> Credit Counseling Teacher—class prep $25 48 hours(4hrsfmth x 12 mths) $1,200 <br /> Credit Counselor—one-on-one $20 120 hours(10 hrs/mth x12 mths $2,400 <br /> Materials $25 120 course packets/credit reports $3,000 <br /> Total $9,000 <br /> Complete the table below for the protect/program for which you,are requesting funds. <br /> Attach additional rows/pages, as needed. <br /> Program: Rentals <br /> cost Elements ' 6t)stfhr, ,quaatity/Unit of rosasure ' ,Sebtetat(Sj: <br /> Prosert Manaser $22.11 2080 hours (40 his/week X 52 wks/ r $46,000.00 <br /> Assistant Prose Manager $ 8.65 1040 hours (20 hrs/week X 52 wks/yr) $ 9,000.00 <br /> Total $55,000.00 <br /> c ) Cost per Unit <br /> Actual 2014.15 ,Estitnated 201$46z: ,,:Projected'2010.11— <br /> Total Cost of Program $185,083.00 $195,168.00 $20958 <br /> Total if of Units 542 575 603 <br /> Cost Per Unit 8341.48 8339.42 8346.86 <br /> This Cost Per Unit must reflect the total program budget and the total number of <br /> program beneficiaries (households or persons) in this application and must be <br /> consistent with report submittals from previous years (if applicable). <br /> Main Application 1/21/2016 3:39:14 PM Page 21 of 24 <br />