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12 <br />Therefore, the Board of County. Commissioners is requested: to authorize creation of a task force (with a <br />working charge, membership composition, and'time line), that would be responsible for hosting a soccer <br />symposium at which ail interested parties could express their needs and concerns. The working charge <br />would provide a broad framework for discussing the issues at the symposium; to include: <br />(1} current private and. public soccer resources and facilities <br />(Z) demand for additional resources by type and location within the county <br />(3} alternatives for publiclprivate coordination, caogeration and funding for additional resources that are <br />identified. <br />(4) possibility for multi purpose fields (screea, basabalUsoftbali, football, lacrosse, fiisbee, etc.) - <br />The task force would also be charged with summarizing aad organizing what was presented at the <br />symposium and making recommendations to the Orange County Comm;~;oners, including advisory <br />boards such as the EDC and RPAC; The towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and N;llcbomugh; and the <br />school boards for the Chapel I~3ill-Carrboro City .Schools and the Orange County gchooIs. <br />The committee to organize the meeting and coordinate communica#ion should include representatives <br />from at least the following groups: <br />*C}range County Recreation and Pazks Advisory Council ~ ~ . <br />*Chapel PTll Recreation Board <br />°Cazrboro Recreation Board • <br />*HilIsborough Recreation Boazd <br />*Orange County Economic Development Commission <br />*Orange County School Boazd <br />*Chapel HiII-Carrboro School Board . <br />*Rainbow Soccer <br />*Durhaaz Chapel Bill Str~ers . <br />*Liga 1~Iispana <br />'Carolina United ' <br />*Three to five interested citizens at large <br />#County Commissioners . <br />~~ <br />FINANCIAI~ ~'.A~'y't The direct financial impact of creating this ad hoc committee ,will be <br />relatively small.. Depending on the organization and complexity of developing a symposium, there could <br />be significant allocation of time. for one or more county staffmembers in support of this effort,. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): If the Board of County Commissioners authorizes the creation of the task <br />force, the working charge, membership composition, and tune line would come back at a later meeting far <br />approval. <br />