Orange County NC Website
11 <br />oRAIVGE covrtTY <br />BoARn of comMlss~olvERs <br />ACTION' AGEI~IDA TEEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: November 3,1999 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. .---=~._ <br />SCfBJEC7C: Creation of a Task Force to Organize a Soccer Symposium <br />DEPAR3.'MENT: Recreation and Parks PUBLIC HF.~ARING: (Y~I} No <br />Economic Development Commission <br />ATTACHIYIT.NT(S~: IlYf'®RMATIIDN COPd'TACT: <br />. Commissioner Baay Jacobs <br />7 ~ i' Ht:~IVE I~iUiY~EI2S; . <br />Hillsb®rotrgh 732-8181 <br />Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br />Durham 688-7331 . <br />Mebame 336-7.227-2031 <br />PURPOSE: To consider establishing a charge for, and appointing a task force to organize and focus <br />community interest in promoting soccer and soccer facilities. <br />BACKGROTJN.n: Considerable anecdotal information indicates there is great interest in playing soccer <br />in Change County. There are a number of leagues operating wi#lun the county, and sporadic, efforks have <br />been made to secure fields by these leagues. The Board of County Commissioners recently received a <br />letter from Rick Kennedy, a cancemed citizen-and member of the Orange County Board of Education, <br />outlining, the demand for improved soccer facilities, and earlier this momh the Carr~wro Board of <br />Aldermen forwarded a request to the county to address this need. <br />While the Master Pazks and Recreation Plan spoke to general needs, it did not focus on provision of <br />facilities to meeYcounty demand for specific sports facilities. <br />Both the cauuty's Economic Development Commi_~,~+on and the Recreation and Parks Advisory Council <br />endorse the idea of establishing as organizing committee to promote a meeting of various interest groups <br />to discuss soccer irerest and needs. Among the issues to be explored are what facilities are currently <br />available, what is needed, where and how much is the demand, what is the possibility of diverse soccer <br />leagues working together, wha# sorts of arrangements are required to share usage of fields, and what <br />private and public funding sources are available. <br />Since many soccer players must currently leave the county or otherwise travel great distances to <br />participate, the possible provision of additional soccer facilities in Orange County is seen as meeting <br />economic development as well as recreational needs. <br />