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9 <br />~signage, and some landscaping) appears to average between $71,000 and $95,000 per field <br />..(1998 dollars). <br />In Orange County, we have actual cost data for development of one full-size field (which is a <br />combination soccer and softball field) at the Efland-Cheeks Community Center. For this field, <br />costs for clearing, environmental testing, grading, seeding, and storm drainage totaled <br />$290,000. The irrigation system cost $40,000 and lighting (with underground wiring) cost an <br />additional $80,000-100,000. Presumably there~are economies of scale (lower per unit costs) in <br />developing multiple fields at one site. <br />We also have budget estimates for the athletic fields at Smith Middle School (where two full-size <br />soccer fields are to be constructed, one exclusively for school use and the other to be available <br />to the public.after4 p.m.). According to the budget, the cost of a basic field (grading, seeding, <br />storm drainage) is approximately $53,000; the cost for irrigation is $25,000 per field and the cost <br />for lights is $70,000 per field. <br />In addition, the Soccer Symposium Task Force reached consensus on the following <br />recommendations: <br />-, Fields should be located in a disbursed fashion throughout the county in order to improve <br />~~ accessibility for all and to reduce travel time. <br />- There should be multiple fields at each field site so that parents can drop off children of <br />different ages. ~ .. <br />- Fields should be irrigated and lighted, and sited in an environmentally-sensitive manner. <br />- ~A promising model for field development is one in which public entities provide basic fields <br />and soccer organizations finish the facilities. <br />- Apublic-private partnership should be established to explore development of a soccer <br />complex in Orange County, with established soccer interests to take the lead in fundraising <br />for construction. <br />- .:All soccer organizations in the county should collaborate to provide coordinated soccer <br />programming throughout the county. In this scenario, the county would supply facilities, the <br />private organizations would provide programming. <br />- If county funding is involved, including providing land, scholarships will have to be available <br />to county residents who cannot afford programming fees. <br />Consistent with the Master. Recreation and Parks Work Group Report, the acquisition of land <br />for soccer fields should be included in active recreational areas developed pursuant to future <br />bond issues. <br />As mentioned previously, the Soccer Symposium Task Force is committed to help provide <br />adequate sports facilities for all county residents. Further, the members of the Task Force stand <br />ready to assist the Commissioners in further refining and/or implementing the findings and <br />recommendations contained herein. <br />