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DocuSign Envelope ID: CB0C1343-06EB-4BE7-9AF6-62EE77BD69FE t A - continued <br /> Provider's Outside Agency Application <br /> MAIN APPLICATION <br /> activities. activities. activities. <br /> At least 8 graduates will At least 8 graduates will At least 8 graduates will <br /> Program participate in the alumni participate in the alumni participate in the alumni <br /> Goal group,and conduct an annual group,and conduct an annual group,and conduct an annual <br /> student-led service-learning student-led service-learning student-led service-learning <br /> project. project. project. <br /> PPSAT will seek out PPSAT will seek out <br /> PPSAT will seek out <br /> feedback from the groups feedback from the groups feedback from the groups that <br /> Performance that the alumni group works that the alumni group works the alumni group works with <br /> with during their service with during their service <br /> Measures learning activity to access learning activity to access the during their service learning <br /> the value of the participants' value of the participants' activity to access the value of <br /> contribution. contribution. the participants'contribution. <br /> Program 8 participants TBD TBD <br /> Results <br /> Provide a series of parent Provide a series of parent Provide a series of parent <br /> workshops that will include workshops that will include workshops that will include <br /> skill building and skill building and information skill building and information <br /> information on talking with on talking with their children on talking with their children <br /> Program their children about sex. about sex. Sessions will about sex. Sessions will <br /> Sessions will include:role include:role play discussing include:role play discussing <br /> Activity 5 play discussing relationships, relationships,contraception, relationships,contraception, <br /> contraception, STIs and peer STIs and peer pressure.One STIs and peer pressure.One <br /> pressure.One session will be session will be conducted in session will be conducted in <br /> conducted in English,one English,one session in English,one session in <br /> session in Spanish. Spanish. Spanish. <br /> At least 15 parents of middle At least 15 parents of middle At least 15 parents of middle <br /> and high school students will and high school students will and high school students will <br /> participate in parent participate in parent participate in parent <br /> workshops. workshops. workshops. <br /> At least 75%of parents will At least 75%of parents will At least 75%of parents will <br /> Program report increased comfort in report increased comfort in report increased comfort in <br /> Goal talking with their kids about talking with their kids about talking with their kids about <br /> sexuality issues. sexuality issues. sexuality issues. <br /> At least 75%of parents will At least 75%of parents will At least 75%of parents will <br /> report they intend to talk to report they intend to talk to report they intend to talk to <br /> their children about sex as a their children about sex as a their children about sex as a <br /> result of the workshop. result of the workshop. result of the workshop. <br /> Participants will provide Participants will provide Participants will provide <br /> Performance feedback on the quality of feedback on the quality of the feedback on the quality of the <br /> Measures the program by completing program by completing program by completing <br /> surveys. surveys. surveys. <br /> 22 participants, 72% <br /> Program reported increase in comfort, <br /> Results 100%intended to talk to TBD TBD <br /> their children <br /> Main Application 1/21/2016 18:35:26 a1/p1 Page I of 2 <br />