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DocuSign Envelope ID:A65EF081-BF54-47AC-9969-94226D3FBC7E t A - continued <br /> Provider's Outside Agency Application <br /> MAIN APPLICATION <br /> Habitat was incorporated in 1984, and completed its first home in 1987. Since that first home, <br /> Habitat has built more than 250 affordable homes throughout the County. Through its New <br /> Home Construction program, Habitat uses donations and volunteer labor to construct energy- <br /> efficient, green-certified, high-quality homes, and then sells those homes to qualifying families. <br /> The buyers receive an affordable mortgage, which they pay back over 30 years. Mortgage <br /> payments are recycled to build future homes. Homebuyers are required to contribute 325 hours <br /> of sweat equity toward the construction of their own and other Habitat homes. Habitat retains <br /> the right of first refusal to repurchase a Habitat home if the owner wishes to sell. Habitat uses <br /> deferred-payment second mortgages and equity sharing to ensure that the community's <br /> investment of funds and labor will continue to benefit low-income families if the original buyer <br /> sells the home. <br /> A Brush with Kindness (ABWK) is a Habitat program which addresses the ongoing need for <br /> exterior repairs and beautification in the communities where Habitat builds. ABWK is an <br /> important aspect of Habitat's affordable housing programs because it offers low-cost assistance <br /> to homeowners living in deteriorating or unsafe homes, improving their quality of life and the <br /> quality of life of all of the residents in the neighborhood. Habitat has completed 63 ABWK <br /> projects since launching the program in FY 2009-10. <br /> In carrying out its affordable housing and community strengthening activities, Habitat seeks to <br /> educate and empower its homebuyers through a series of relevant workshops and one-on-one <br /> trainings. Habitat also strives to educate the broader community about the crisis in affordable <br /> housing by introducing and involving hundreds of new volunteers from all walks of life into its <br /> work each year. Habitat promotes the positive value of diversity by uniting people of varied <br /> economic, religious, social, and racial backgrounds to work together toward a common goal— <br /> building and repairing decent homes in partnership with families in need. <br /> d) Agency's Experience with Similar Programs as the Funding Request <br /> Habitat is requesting funding for its A Brush with Kindness exterior home repair program. <br /> Habitat first implemented this program in 2010, and has since successfully completed 63 repair <br /> projects. Habitat has received government funding for this program in the past, and has proven <br /> its ability to successfully complete and report the agreed upon work. <br /> e) Other Pertinent Agency Information <br /> n/a <br /> 3. PROJECT/PROGRAM INFORMATION <br /> Agency & Program Name: Habitat for Humanity of Orange County, A Brush with Kindness <br /> As you complete your application, complete only those sections that pertain to the type of <br /> application you are submitting. The application is divided into several sections and not all <br /> sections apply to every project. Every applicant MUST complete the main application. <br /> a) Check the type of funding request for this application package submittal and complete the <br /> required application and required supplemental sections (Parts) as specified below: <br /> Main Application 1/25/201 6 1 2:11 :11 PM <br />