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DocuSign Envelope ID:9859FC6D-3EEB-4C7D-9891-BE11A53D9413 t A - continued <br /> Provider's Outside Agency Application <br /> MAIN APPLICATION <br /> year, the Orange County Food Council proposes to launch the council and further it's development <br /> through the following activities: hire a part-time coordinator; conduct the qualitative portion of the <br /> baseline community food assessment including working directly with the Orange County Family <br /> Success Alliance to assess food insecurity in their two zones; create a community food security <br /> action plan for Orange County; and hold two large community forums to continue to build <br /> collaborations and implement the action plan to strengthen the food system in Orange County. <br /> Our proposed activities will address one of the top six priority areas (Food), identified by Chapel <br /> Hill's Human Services Advisory Board, specifically by addressing the need for affordable food and <br /> access to healthy food in Orange County. Food affordability and access will be key features of the <br /> council's action plan and the taskforce has already engaged Orange County stakeholders <br /> addressing these issues including Farmer FoodShare and the InterFaith Council for Social <br /> Services. The food council activities are well aligned with the priorities currently coming out of the <br /> Orange County Health Department's Healthy Carolinians Community Health Assessment, which is <br /> occurring through June 2016. Physical activity and nutrition will be one of their three chosen areas <br /> of focus with a specific emphasis on building/increasing community gardens, working in the zones <br /> of the Family Success Alliance to pilot activities to assist with eliminating food insecurity, providing <br /> family education around healthy foods and cooking skills, partnering with local farms to increase <br /> access to low cost healthy foods, and working to improve school-provided nutrition for school kids. <br /> The food council will collaborate with the Healthy Carolinians Partnership on these activities. The <br /> food council's proposed activities will also support key goals in Carrboro. For example, the action <br /> plan will address the following policies in Carrboro's Vision 2020 document: Policy 5.6 to preserve <br /> farmland and Policy 1.31 to look for unmet need for human services. <br /> c) Describe the local need or problem to be addressed in relation to the Consolidated <br /> Plan or other community priorities (i.e. Council/Board Goals). Cite local data to <br /> support the need for this program and the population being served. <br /> We know that increased access to healthy fruits and vegetables is an effective strategy to address <br /> food insecurity; and, when this produce is grown locally, it also supports the local economy <br /> ("Research Based Support and Extension Outreach for Local Food Systems," Dunning, August <br /> 2013). For example, according to findings from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Healthy <br /> Eating Research, consuming locally grown fruits and vegetables can both increase labor income <br /> and create new jobs locally. Bringing together community health and agriculture efforts as the <br /> Orange County Food Council proposes to do will help to mitigate poor health outcomes for Orange <br /> County citizens and address some of the challenges faced by local food producers and economic <br /> development in Orange County. The food system is complex as there are many players including <br /> producers, suppliers, and organizations and connecting consumers with local producers of healthy <br /> food is not always easy. Food councils are a solution to this problem by acting as connector to a <br /> cross-sector of individuals and organizations and by creating community partnerships that promote <br /> food access and addressing policy and programmatic barriers to a strong, local food system. <br /> Toward this end, a baseline community food assessment completed in November of 2015 analyzed <br /> all stages of the food system within Orange County, including food production, food processing and <br /> distribution, food consumption and food waste management. The purpose of the assessment was <br /> to form foundational knowledge for the food council to set priorities for action. The assessment <br /> gathered recent and historical data from established sources such as the United States Department <br /> of Agriculture and the American Community Survey, and combined it with stakeholder interviews to <br /> understand the strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities facing the food system. The <br /> assessment described a strong farming culture in need of additional county support, a surprisingly <br /> high number of children needing food assistance at school, a burgeoning local food entrepreneurial <br /> environment, and a need for additional food waste management programming. More details can be <br /> found here: orange- <br /> county-food®policy®council-2.pdf <br /> Main Application 5/25/2016 10:30:45 AM Pag of 26 <br />