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Exhibit A- continued <br /> Provider's Outside Agency Application <br /> MAIN APPLICATION <br /> The OCRCC provides short- and long-term support, becoming a significant advocate for years throughout each <br /> survivor's healing process. Many long-term effects of sexual trauma can be mitigated if survivors receive early <br /> intervention and a supportive environment to disclose their abuse. Connecting with resources that can help survivors <br /> meet their basic needs is also crucial to healing. The OCRCC connects survivors to affordable medical care, mental <br /> health care,substance abuse treatment,housing,and financial assistance. <br /> Additionally, we provide information and support to other service providers in Orange County who are serving low-and <br /> moderate-income individuals.We can help these agencies provide trauma-informed services so that the individuals they <br /> serve receive holistic,trauma-informed care. <br /> d) Describe the population to be served or the area to benefit and indicate how you will <br /> identify beneficiaries. <br /> The OCRCC's services are available to all survivors of sexual violence, stalking, human trafficking, and domestic <br /> violence in Orange and neighboring counties. Survivors hear about our services through internet research, word of <br /> mouth, promotional materials, referrals from community partners, and more. We conduct specific outreach advertising <br /> our services to underserved populations such as the Latino/a and LGBTQ communities,to give just two examples. <br /> e) Who specifically will carry out the activities and in what location will they be carried out? <br /> Our expert staff and trained volunteer Companions will provide crisis support via our 24-Hour Help Line as well as during <br /> business hours at the OCRCC office. Support groups will be facilitated by staff and trained facilitators; they are mostly <br /> offered at the OCRCC office,though some are offered off-site in collaboration with community partners,for example,the <br /> Freedom House Recovery Center. <br /> f) Describe specifically the period over which the activities will be carried out, the frequency <br /> with which the activities will be carried out, and the frequency with which services will be <br /> delivered. Include an implementation timeline. <br /> Activities Timeline <br /> Program Activity 1—Crisis Support <br /> Operate a 24-hour hotline Ongoing <br /> Provide in-person crisis counseling during business hours at the OCRCC office <br /> Provide resources and referrals to other community partners <br /> Follow up with clients as needed to ensure case management is provided <br /> Update listings of resources in crisis counseling manual <br /> Recruit and train volunteer Crisis Companions in fall training 08/2016-1112016 <br /> Recruit and train volunteer Crisis Companions in spring training 01/2017-04/2017 <br /> Program Activity 2—Support Groups <br /> Review current waitlist of clients interested in participating in groups Ongoing <br /> Schedule support group facilitators to facilitate groups and workshops <br /> Publicize support groups and workshops <br /> Review client requests for group participation <br /> Screen clients and,if appropriate,place in group <br /> Facilitate groups and workshops <br /> Compile and review FY16-17 support group evaluation data 07/2017 <br /> g) Provide a bulleted list of other agencies, if any, with which your agency <br /> coordinates/collaborates to accomplish or enhance the Projected Results in the Program(s) <br /> to be funded. For each, give specific examples of the coordinated/collaborative efforts. <br /> OC Domestic Violence Needs Assessment Planning Committee:Along with community members, service providers <br /> and researchers,the OCRCC sits on this committee to address the need for a local shelter for violence survivors. <br /> Main Application 1/25/2016 12:55:42 PM P a e 8 of 32 <br />