Orange County NC Website
6 <br />Table 2_ ~amnle Parcel Assessment Values* <br />Name Frontage Area Valuation Per Lot <br />Parcel A $15,000 $15,000 $18,750 $15,000 <br />Parcel B $12,750 $15,978 $10,125 $15,000 <br />* Based on a total assessed project cost of $300,000. <br />Frontage assessment: The new sewer line installed along Example Street (Figure 1) is <br />1000 feet long. Assuming that the new sewer line could serve lots on both sides of the <br />street, the total frontage will be 2000 feet. (In this example, since the sewer is installed in <br />the right-of--way of the street, the street frontage of the parcels and the utility frontage of <br />the parcels are the same thing. Utility lines do not always follow the roadways, though, <br />in which case the street frontage of a parcel and the utility frontage of a parcel could be <br />different.) The total project cost was $300,000: If the County were to assess for 100% of <br />the total project costs, then the total cost, $300,000, would be divided by the total <br />frontage, 2000 feet, giving an assessment per foot of frontage of $150. Parcel A has 100 <br />feet of frontage, while Parcel B has a frontage of 85 feet (Table 1). The assessment for <br />Parcel A would be $15,000 ($150/ft * 100 ft.) and the assessment for~Parcel B would be <br />$12,750 ($150/ft * 85 ft.) (Table 2). <br />Area assessment: For the same project, the total area of the parcels to be served is 9.2 <br />acres. The project cost of $300,000 divided by the total acres of 9.2 gives $32,608 per <br />acre. Parcel A has an area of 0.46 acres and Parcel B has an area of 0.49 acres (Table 1). <br />The assessment for Parcel A would be $15,000 ($32,608/acre * 0.46 acres) and the <br />assessment for Parcel B would be $15,978 ($32,608/acre * 0.49 acres) (Table 2). <br />Valuation assessment: The total value of all the parcels served by the new sewer line on <br />Example Street is $4,000,000, based on County Tax records. The project cost of <br />$300,000 divided by the tax valuation of $4,000,000 gives an assessment amount of <br />$0.075 per dollar of valuation. Parcel A is valued at $250,000, while Parcel B is valued <br />at $135,000 (Table 1). The assessment amount for Parcel A would be $18,750 <br />($0.075/dollar * $250,000) and the. assessment amount for Parcel B would be $10,125 <br />($0.075/dollar * $135,000) (Table 2). <br />Per Lot assessment: There are 20 lots being served on this project. The project cost <br />divided by the number of lots would give an assessment amount of $15,000 per lot. The <br />assessment amount for both Parcel A and Parcel B would be $15,000 (Table 2). <br />Decision # 3• County established policy for payment of the assessed amount <br />Decision Sturunarv <br />NCGS allows that any assessment fees may be paid in full, with no interest, as long as the <br />payment is made within thirty days of the assessment schedule's confirmation and <br />