Orange County NC Website
5 <br />Valuation of the land, without improvements, as shown on the County's tax <br />records <br />• On a per lot basis, at an equal rate per lot <br />• A combination of two or more of these bases <br />No other bases for assessment maybe used. As stated above, the BOCC may elect to use <br />any one of these or any combination of these, but the same basis for assessment must be <br />used for each lot served. For example, it would not be allowed to assess one lot on the <br />basis of area and another lot on the basis of street frontage. The only exemption <br />circumstance allowed by NCGS is that of a corner lot. When assessing on the basis of <br />street frontage, a corner lot does not have to be assessed for its entire frontage. However, <br />no more than 75% of the frontage of any side, or 150 feet (whichever is greater) maybe <br />exempted from assessment. <br />The general method for using any of these bases would be to add the total number <br />of units together (e.g. feet of frontage, acreage, dollars of land value, or number of lots), <br />then divide the total cost to be assessed by the number of basis units, to give the cost per <br />basis unit. Then, the basis unit cost would be multiplied by the number of basis units <br />associated with each lot to give the amount of the assessment per lot. The following <br />figure and tables illustrate a simple assessment example, followed by descriptions of <br />the bases for the assessment calculation. This is a theoretical example for <br />illustration purposes only, and should not be interpreted as representing with any <br />specificity unincorporated Orange County. <br />Example Street l~Tew Severer Line <br />Figure 1. Map afTheoreticalUtilit~Assessment.Area <br />Tahlp 1 _ ~am»le Parcel Data <br />Name Street Frontage Utility Frontage Area Tax Valuation <br /> <br />Parcel A 100 feet 100 feet 0.42 acres $250,000 <br />Parcel B 85 feet 85 feet 0.49 acres $135,000 <br />