Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />Timeline for a llfiility Assessmenfi Proiecfi <br />This timeline is meant to show fihe minimum time required for the assessment process, <br />according to the North Carolina General Statutes 153A-185 to 153A-205. The start date <br />for the process will be u0" and subsequent~steps in the process will be labeled "0 + n <br />weeks" to show the total elapsed time from the start date. <br />Time Descripfiion of Acfiivifiy <br />0 weeks Adopt a Preliminary.Assessment Resolution (PAR) <br />0 + 1 week Publish a~~notice that a PAR has been adopted and that a public <br />hearing of the PAR will be held. • <br />Mail a copy of the PAR to each owner of property subject to <br />assessment. . <br />0 + 3 weeks Public hearing of the PAR is held. Following the public hearing, the <br />Final Assessment Resolution may, be adopted. <br />NOTE: Once the final costs of the project are known, the <br />procedure may continue..There is a possibility that the final cost of <br />the project will be known by the time the Final Assessment <br />Resolution is adopted. This would represenfi the minimum time <br />frame possible; so the timeline will assume that the costs are <br />known and no time will elapse for this step. <br />0 + 3 weeks ~ Prepare a preliminary assessment roll and determine a time and <br />place for a public hearing on the roll. <br />0 + 5 weeks Publish notice of the public hearing on the preliminary assessment <br />roll. <br />Mail a copy of the preliminary assessment roll and notice of the <br />hearing to each owner of property listed on the roll. <br />0 + 7 weeks Public hearing of the preliminary assessment roll is held. <br />The preliminary assessment roll is either confirmed or modified <br />based on information obtained in the hearing and in compliance <br />with the bases set forth in the roll. <br />0 + 10 weeks • County Tax Collector shall publish a notice that the roll has been. <br />confirmed. The notice shall also give details on how to go about <br />• paying the assessment. <br />0 + ~12 weeks Owners may appeal the amount of the assessment. <br />12 <br />