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<br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT POLICY APPLICABLE TO <br />WATER AND SEWER EXTENSIONS TO .EXLSTING UNSERVED NEIGHBORHOODS <br />Wl-IERE.AS, the elected bodies of the Towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill and Qrange <br />County-have requested that OWASA review its assessmeutpolicies in order to assure that the <br />manner in which the costs ofwater and sewer extea~sion prajeds are calculated and assessed is fair <br />and meets the requirements of'the statutes and OWASA's obligations under the~Sale and Purchase <br />Agreements, and; in particular, that it does not impair the orderly availability or unduly discourage <br />otherwise necessary connections to these vital public services; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Itir~tors of OWASA ,has considered. the opinions, requests acid <br />proposals made by citizens in recent public meetings about the costs of gaining. access to these <br />; it has reviewed the work of its staff and has.considered the suggestions of the <br />elected bodies' of the Towns and County, and the advice given. on. behalf of the University of North <br />Carc~l%rra at Chapel ITill in: this regard, and it has determined that the attached policy is necessary <br />and appropriate to assure the availability and orderly provision of public water and sewer service to <br />the Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Orange County citizens within its service area, and that it is <br />necessary.and will tersult iri the protcction of the environment and .public water supply, and that it <br />will primarily benefit persons who are able to connect to these services as well as their neighbors <br />and the public at large; - <br />NOW, TIiEREFORE,, BE TT RESOLVED: <br />1. That the Orange Water and Sewer Authority Board of Directors adopts the attached <br />policy entitled, "Assessment Policy Applicable To Water .And Sewer Extensions To Ezisttng <br />Unnerved 1eighborhoods". <br />2. That the policy shall become effective upon.adoption. <br />3. That the Executive Director is directed to implement and interpret the Assessment <br />Policy Applicable To Water And Sewer Extensions To Existing Unnerved Neighborhoods. <br />Adopted this 27''' day of May, 1999 <br />-1- ''~.t <br />Dan C. VanderMeer, Chair <br />ATTEST: <br />~~ <br />.T i Gi lgor <br />erk .to the Board <br />