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Systematic analysis should enable the BOCC to better distinguish and determine the <br />underlying assumptions upon which it will want to establish any water and sewer <br />assessment project. <br />The policy decisions/outcomes that emerge from BOCC examination/evaluation will be <br />incorporated by staff into a basic utility assessment policy and brought back for review and <br />any refinement by the BOCC prior to adoption. A final policy could then be adopted by the <br />BOCC and implemented in accordance with future needs. <br />A basic utility assessment policy as described here, if adopted by the BOCC, establishes <br />only the framework for how assessment projects will be addressed; the policy in and of <br />itself does not initiate any particular assessment project. It would still be a BOCC decision <br />as to whether or not it would want to invoke and implement its utility assessment policy. Under <br />State law, the BOCC initiates a particular assessment project by adopting a prescribed <br />"Preliminary Assessment Resolution" which outlines the intent, description, and other <br />mechanics for a specified geographic area. <br />Byway of administration, after adoption of a utility assessment policy, should the BOCC elect to <br />establish a particular assessment project, staff anticipates that payment of the actual <br />property/homeowner assessment be handled as part of the annual property tax bill with <br />revenues collected through the office of the Tax Collector. <br />To help facilitate the BOCC in its policy level discussion, staff has prepared two "white <br />papers" and assembled supporting background materials. . <br />Attachment 1 is a "white paper" titled "Water/Sewer Assessment Policy Decision Points" that <br />walks the BOCC through the various policy choices allowable under State statutes. <br />The companion to an adopted "Water/Sewer Assessment Policy" would be an adopted <br />"Water/Sewer Assessment Project Relief Assistance Policy". This proposed BOCC policy <br />would set forth the protocol and procedures for granting financial relief to low-wealth property <br />owners/households impacted by an assessment project. <br />Attachment 2 is a "white paper" titled "Water/Sewer Assessment Project Relief Assistance" that <br />outlines .different options for the BOCC to consider again as "corollary" to the principal policy <br />governing utility assessments. <br />Attachment 3 provides sample copies of utility extension/assessment policies/procedures from <br />the Town of Chapel Hill, Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA), and the City of Durham, <br />as information only. <br />Attachments 4, 5, and 6 provide general information on the formal utility assessment process <br />in accordance to State Statutes - a fact sheet, a synopsis of each step, and a timeline. These <br />materials were previously shared with the BOCC at its work session in August and included <br />here for ease of review and reference. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no out=of-pocket fiscal impact in evaluating various policy <br />options for use in County water and sewer assessment projects. Creating an assessment <br />project has a positive financial benefit to the County to the extent that infrastructure costs are <br />recovered. Assessment projects do, however, represent a direct cost to the benefiting property <br />