Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 5BF9183D-3BD5-4FD7-80DE-F437539D2E9F t A - continued <br /> Provider's Outside Agency Application <br /> MAIN APPLICATION <br /> g) OCHM generally collaborates with no other agencies on exhibits. On occasion, the museum hosts exhibits <br /> for other agencies. These exhibits are generally researched, created, and installed by museum personnel <br /> without assistance from those agencies. <br /> h)Grant funding is the primary source for the costs incurred in the creation and installation of new exhibits. If <br /> requested funding is not received, it will curtail our ability in the FY16-17 period to invest the staff time <br /> required for the research and planning required to create an exhibit, and to purchase supplies and materials <br /> required to complete the installation process. <br /> Program 3: Preservation and accessibility of Orange County artifacts: <br /> b)The museum acts as steward for the county's historical artifacts. It offers security, preservation, and <br /> conservation for the objects in its collections. The museum makes its collections and archives available to the <br /> public. Historical context, provided by museum scholarship, makes objects more accessible to the museum's <br /> community of users. OCHM offers UNCG and UNCH interns/volunteers collections management experience. <br /> •Museum staff members assist the public with collection-related research. The museum coordinator and <br /> historical interpreter work directly with visitors to fulfill research requests. <br /> •The museum's mandate also extends to seeking conservation for at-risk Orange County artifacts. One such <br /> artifact, a portrait of a Saponi-African American woman donated by a descendant, and conserved by <br /> Etherington Conservation Services, has become a favorite part of our collection. <br /> •These activities offer community members the chance to engage directly with the history of Orange County. <br /> c)The preservation, conservation, and interpretation of Orange County's most important historical artifacts <br /> provide context and depth to the cultural richness of Orange County. Museum visitors come from all over the <br /> county, state, and world to experience the museum's collections, and to explore its archives. <br /> d). Virtual and onsite visitors, outreach participants, event participants, and the Orange County community are <br /> potential museum stakeholders and beneficiaries of these services. <br /> e)The director works with the HFHOC board and other engaged and interested stakeholders in the Orange <br /> County community to make collection, preservation and conservation decisions that are in the best interest of <br /> all potential users of the museum. Preservation and research are ongoing on-site activities. Conservation is <br /> generally done by contracted specialists at their offsite facilities. <br /> f)The museum offers research services by request to interested stakeholders throughout the year. <br /> Continuous preservation management is the principal responsibility of the museum director. Artifact <br /> conservation occurs intermittently, as artifacts in need are identified and budgets allocated to meet requisite <br /> costs. <br /> g)We generally collaborate with no other agencies on research projects and preservation management. <br /> Conservation activities are most often conducted with partner funding agencies (see example above of <br /> conservation project by Etherington Conservation Services). <br /> h) Reduced or denied funding would negatively affect our ability to budget staff time for artifact-based <br /> research that informs the interpretation of objects for exhibits and purchases of archival supplies that are <br /> necessary to protect and house objects for safe storage, and provide for their efficient tracking and retrieval. <br /> Program Implementation Availability of Frequency of <br /> Program elements timeline services services <br /> As requested (2- <br /> Heritage Education Traveling trunks Ongoing Calendar year 3x year) <br /> School outreach Ongoing Sept.-May 20x year <br /> Teaching with <br /> Historic <br /> Heritage Education Hillsborough sites Ongoing Calendar year 5-10x year <br /> Heritage Education Special events <br /> 311x year <br /> (museum closed <br /> Mondays, <br /> 2. Education through Christmas and <br /> exhibits Ongoing Calendar year Thanksgiving <br /> Program/Project Information <br /> Main Application 5/25/2016 9:07:15 AM P of <br />