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2 <br />Hours of Operation: Current and Proposed <br />According to N.C. Division of Aging standards, a Senior Center must be open at least eight (8) <br />hours per day, 5 days per week. Currently, the Chapel Hill Senior Center operation hours are <br />Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Dependent on class offerings, the center may <br />also be open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights between the hours of 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 <br />p.m. and occasionally on Saturdays. Since the night and Saturday hours vary depending on <br />class offerings, the Department on Aging uses temporary personnel to operate the Center. <br />On May 1, 2007 when the new Seymour Center opens, the Department on Aging wishes to <br />permanently increase the hours of operation. This is based on demand as well as a petition by <br />senior citizens to expand hours to evenings and weekends. The proposed schedule includes <br />Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. until 9:30 p.m., Friday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. and <br />Saturday from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. <br />Department on Aging Staffing Request: <br />1. A Facility Operator for Evening and Weekend Hours <br />To provide expanded permanent evening and weekend hours,staff recommends that the Board <br />establish a new permanent .75 full time equivalent (FTE) Facility Operator position instead of <br />continuing to rely solely on temporary employees to staff the Center at the new level. <br />Attachment 2 of this agenda abstract outlines the functions and outcomes of the requested <br />Facility Operator position. Staff anticipates that the cost of the Facility Operator position (salary, <br />benefits and one time start up costs such as a computer, desk and chair) will total $6,092 for <br />May through June of the current fiscal year, and the costs for the upcoming 2007-08 fiscal year <br />total $30,100. <br />2. An Office Assistant II for Front Desk Building Management <br />With the large two-floor Seymour Center and the increased volume of older adults coming <br />through the front door, there is the need for added security and computerized check-in and <br />registration of all persons. Staff recommends that the Board establish a new permanent 1.00 <br />FTE Office Assistant II -Front Desk Manager. This position would manage all front desk <br />operations of the new Center. At the current facility, volunteers staff the front desk to greet <br />persons who enter the front door. While this arrangement has served the Department well in <br />the past, Senior Center operations have grown and advanced. For example, the Department <br />has automated its registration, tracking and recordkeeping system, and many volunteers have <br />expressed discomfort with the new system. This position would provide consistent front desk <br />coverage including computerized registration, check-in and revenue collection plus supervise <br />front desk volunteer information greeters and monitor the facility including security cameras. <br />Attachment 3 of this agenda abstract outlines the functions and outcomes of the requested <br />Office Assistant II position. Staff anticipates that the cost of the Office Assistant II position <br />(salary, benefits and one time start up costs such as a computer, desk and chair) will total <br />$7,197 for May through June of the current fiscal year, and the costs for the upcoming 2007-08 <br />fiscal year total $36,620. <br />