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~o <br />of the facility, including facility and front desk management, security issues, managing <br />RecTrak and revenue collection, and physical set-up of programs and services. <br />® With the opening of the Seymour Center, and thus the increase in size of the facility and <br />anticipated increase in usage, a permanent .75 FTE position is needed. The department <br />has been petitioned by seniors in the County to extend the hours of operation and be open <br />on a regular basis, specifically on Saturdays. This position will allow the Center to be open <br />consistently on weekday evenings, as well as Saturdays. <br />® The Department estimates a potential increase of 4000+ young older adults (ages 55-65) <br />still working in the next 8 years, which will increase the evening usage of the facility. <br />o In anticipation of the move to the new Center, the Department used Senior Center <br />development grant funds to purchase a computerized registration and recordkeeping system <br />that will be managed in the evenings by the Facility Operator position. This system will <br />accurately track class and program participation and revenues, and will help in tracking the <br />'type and location of participants and their interests which will be useful in future program <br />planning. <br />• This position will manage the nighttime security of the facility, including the monitoring of <br />security cameras of the new two-level facility, and will be responsible for issuing the <br />participant's identification barcoded cards and managing the system which identifies who is <br />in the building at any given time. This system will allow front desk staff to respond to <br />emergency situations in a timely and responsible manner. <br />At the current location, the center does not have a system for knowing who is in the senior <br />center. <br />Outcomes: <br />® Improved customer service and security monitoring for all citizens who access services at <br />the Seymour Senior Center. <br />® Increase evening hours to 5:00 pm - 9:30 pm Monday through Thursday, and open every <br />Saturday from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm. <br />® Increase evening programs/classes from 30/month to 60/month with the additional hours <br />and additional. space. <br />Ensure optimal utilization of the RecTrak software by professionally training this position in <br />registering participants, scheduling meeting rooms, and collecting/reporting revenues. <br />® To be able to adequately meet the needs of the anticipated increased number of participants <br />and programs at the Center. <br />Financial Impact: <br />FY 2006-07: <br />Position Costs - Annual One Time Start- Offsetting 2006-07 Net <br />May-June.2007 Operating Costs Up Costs Revenue or Position and <br />Sala /Benefits Bud et Savin s Start-U Costs <br />$5,092 $0 $1,000* $0 $6,092 <br />*sharing 50% cost of computer, desk, and chair with the Office Assistant I I position <br />FY 2007-08 Full-Year: <br />Annual Position Annual One Time Start- Offsetting 2007-08 Net <br />Costs Operating Costs Up Costs Revenue or Position Costs <br />Sala /Benefits Bud et Savin s <br />$30,092 $0 $0 $0 $30,092 <br />