Orange County NC Website
EEO QUESTIONNAIRE <br /> Threshold Requirements:Any applicant, recipient,or sub-recipient is required to comply with program <br /> requirements in Chapter III if it meets the following thresholds: <br /> a. Employees 50 or more transit-related employees*;and <br /> b. Requests or receives capital or operating assistance under Sections 3,4(i),or 9 of the FTA;assistance <br /> under 23 U.S.C. 142(a)(2)or 23 U.S.C. 103(e)(4),or any combination thereof, in excess of$1 million <br /> in the previous Federal fiscal year;or <br /> c. Request and receives planning assistance under Sections 8 and/or 9 in excess of$250,000 in the <br /> previous Federal fiscal year. <br /> Name of Organization: Orange County <br /> State DOT MPO Transit Agency City <br /> TEAM ID: (if applicable) <br /> 1. How many employees do you have in your organization? <br /> 2. How many of those employees are *transit related? 19 <br /> *A transit related employee is an employee of an FTA applicant, recipient,or subrecipient who is involved in <br /> an aspect of an agency's mass transit operation funded by FTA. For example,a city planner involved in a <br /> planning bus routes would be counted as part of the recipient's work force, but a city planner involved in <br /> land use would not be counted. <br /> 3. How much did your organization receive in capital or operating assistance the previous fiscal year? <br /> 4. How much did your organization receive in planning assistance the previous fiscal year? <br /> So <br /> 5. Does your agency submit an EEO Program? Yes No. <br /> If yes,what is the date of your last submission? <br /> 6. Do you contract out any of your transit services? Yes X No. <br /> If no,skip to question 7. If yes, <br /> a. What is the name of agency(s)? <br /> b. How much does the agency receive in capital or operating assistance? <br /> c. How much does the agency receive in planning assistance? <br /> d. How many transit employees does the agency have? <br /> e. Does the agency submit an EEO Program to you? Yes No <br /> Page 1 of 2 <br />