it'll, •
<br /> 0
<br /> •;wners can get lumber cus- facing Bateman, he acgcused the S errill Planning illy seco d d iSparrs-
<br /> cut, planning director of denying his row's i otion. saying.
<br /> ttith,however,,also appealed child t e medical help that his have t o able to litre,'?and a ;'
<br /> ,r heert,explaining that the saw income pays for -- a b d voted approval unetfii I
<br /> Ill allows him to earn extra ch. .e which brought an adnao-
<br /> dusty.
<br /> 'v in the winter months n ion from planning board In other business, .the plan-
<br /> t he can't farm. hairman Norris Porter to ce:. Wing commissioners also
<br /> 'ithout some Income fron such personal attacks. approved rezoning of a 25-acre
<br /> •Iwmih,I don't know if I c< Smith previously has clt. ged parcel on Infinl a •Road, )
<br /> or not,"Smith said."W I that Bateman holds a :rudge west of Good •Road: T y
<br /> +e allowed to stay wh, e I against him and wool of give also endorsed •ubdivslon of e
<br /> lid.not be ,allowed t, ove
<br /> him any positive re *emenda-
<br /> tion parcel, o ed by. ;,ego
<br /> •aids up the road, on lion on the sawmill. Homes, in 48 single- amity
<br /> •stand,'. unless omeone Bateman did of reply to lots.
<br /> to see me o of busi.
<br /> Smith and woo not comment
<br /> Some residents f.,m . the
<br /> •
<br /> on Smith's a •sations after the G0°d Road area.r•.sill goes- +'
<br /> kiting back' ears, Smith meeting. tfon: about increase`. traffic in ,
<br /> After fu her discussion and th= •rea, as well as ••hethec ex- a
<br /> to needs c money from ,
<br /> y some qu,..tions from the Plan- t' is' of city wa•-rand mower', • s
<br /> 3wrfull op: ations especial-, ning b, rd members, Planning ° the clew deve far the jjigtt
<br /> +tcause his 2%-year-old (imm'::ioner Bill Sparta'- mead annexatio, er,tha �,,old-
<br /> h cystic may a area. :. :I' ._,
<br /> =is, a •sually fatal lung stir approval of Smith's .,gp
<br /> an+ his medical expenses However, n-na:of
<br /> van' g request. ers.indieated , ���sp��
<br /> u t ohe:bli 61
<br /> high. I think the 2005 plan is a . to the reap, n .
<br /> odd overall guideline, .but I g'unanimously. lyatl ::
<br /> 'enever the Planning and don't think we can go by it in ev- ty endorsed
<br /> ,ionerslw 11 hfitre final.:
<br /> .Board condemns me, it': cry case," sparrow said in mak- say on e proposal in >yecem-
<br /> tue as holding a gun to • ing his motion, "I feel that we bet.
<br /> •
<br /> s ,chauges ..
<br /> . , . ,
<br /> ..,,....„..,..._ ..,...,..-... .. :, ... .. .
<br /> .
<br /> t
<br /> i 1.'''.'...'f.. '''::;:.• ,' - ' . :,, - : i n watershed law I
<br /> h .. . .
<br /> Durham County planning Apparel and other finished•
<br /> board members last night'Made. products of fabric; •
<br /> „key some "technical” changes in the d � •
<br /> .4-; ' f„ cal+.ply's Critical Watershed Ordi- —Lumber.—Furniture a Wood roductg;
<br /> na ace, essentially adoptin new and fixtures,.
<br /> k��".• `may, language to conform with a new "Paper and allied products;'
<br /> -- Prfnting, .publishih and
<br /> ���j government publication. allied industries' g '�
<br /> r z • The . planning members ' -- Chemicals sand allied prod:, -
<br /> adopted the amendment at the
<br /> .r acts(drugs only);
<br /> - recommendation of the county — Rubber and miscellaneous
<br /> principal planner, Jerry.Kelley, plaatics;
<br /> +� r t`� who said the changes are not-sub- ..: Leather and leather rod- •
<br /> w. ` -. ' stantial end.would.not lace,any '
<br /> p ucts;
<br /> <3 existing businesses out of tom ly • • ,'
<br /> 1 once with the laW. p'.- Ind'u'strial and coiliitfierdal
<br /> The county's Critical Water machjnel�y;computer equipments .'. ��
<br /> shed Ordinance,adopted in 1985 Electrical anct' electronic
<br /> , Y p supplies,machinery'equipment;
<br /> �, . a + regulates development in certain --Transportation equipment, ••... , .
<br /> '4. .,� _ „1 - parts of the county lying in'erit-
<br /> t;,•: 4 ical drainage areas that feed the `' .3.•','"'°'.'
<br /> e '' a. i ` M. '''' ' county's drinking-water head- • ' ` ^'" "M
<br /> ` ,t M'� -+C ;a• quarters. :;
<br /> '1'.=``-'154'" , Industrial development is for-.
<br /> , I r. w d'., bidden id.the designated "water ■al,�,r �° •I: }`i
<br /> quality critical areas" and Jim-. �'�d • g
<br /> 'a,'biU3►''certain,rate cries in.. �:w
<br /> ,et �Y c the"water quality basin area.'•' i��'.. , .; ,';•s`,1 ; �< Those categories are deter• A ~
<br /> r i mined by the Standard Industrial • '' .
<br /> t. w` , -, : Ciassifcation Manual a
<br /> `` U.S, goy
<br /> r f. eminent publication that lists ' '
<br /> 'r , r, thdustries by type and function. Sun Oita,
<br /> ,r
<br /> The 1985 watershed ordinance '•`. }.: :x»f'• .-,., ' refers to the Radial to re dicate
<br /> "r � *F y the types of inanufaetu rs and This is a reader aerplco of.lhe
<br /> t -l 'I F . product§ that would be:allowed Durham sun If you havb
<br /> y in the basin area.•I QU65NOrts.card Atli+tyta --ei ''•
<br />